Page 3 of More Than Water

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“Maybe you two lost your rhythm?”

“Maybe he’s a cocksucker?”

“Yes, you’re right about that.” She runs her hands along my upper arms and consolingly says, “At least you told him how you felt.”

“You think?” I ask, unsure. It’s all so surreal. Everything from the minute we stepped inside the club until this moment is a blur.

“Yes,” she confirms.

A heavy wave of heat flushes and collapses within my chest cavity.Is this my heart breaking?

When Cal used to play for me, his voice would capture an aching place in my soul.What will happen to that pain now?

His songs weren’t just for me like I always thought. They were lies, facades. It wasn’t real—not much in my life is, for that matter.

“I’m sure he knows that he’s an asshole,” Chandra continues. “That was quite a show you put on in there.”

“Ta-da,” I mumble, tears forming. “What an ending.”
