Page 50 of More Than Water

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“Not like this. There’s some smoke involved but nothing that will make you sick, as long as the room is ventilated. I think it will get you the shot you want.”

“So, what is it? Can I do it myself?”

He tightens his mouth. “It’s probably best that I conduct the experiment for you.”

“Oh, so it’s allscienceyand stuff.”

Foster laughs. “Sort of.” He grabs a nearby pencil and a piece of notepaper from the desk and scribbles on it. “Here,” he says, handing me the slip. “That’s my number. If you want, give me a call, and we can set something up, so I can show it to you this weekend.”

I skeptically peer at him. “This weekend?”

“Yeah. I’m busy until then, but Sunday would likely work.”

With the small square paper between my fingers, I drop my hand into my lap. “Why are you offering to help me?”

“Why not?”

“Won’t it be weird? You know, after…”

“Could be. I don’t know.”

I gaze at the numbers.

“I just figured,” he continues, “since we’re friends and all, I could act like one by helping you out. Isn’t that what friends do?”

“Yeah, it is.” I fold the paper in half, stuffing it into my bag. “Will you be naked this time, friend?”

He guffaws. “Don’t you wish?”

“One can only hope.”
