Page 18 of Survivor

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Listening to both parents as they quietly tell me their story, my heart is breaking in two. Yeah, we all think we’ve had it the worst until you hear somebody else’s story. This family has been through the wringer and are no way clear of it at all. Looking at the young girl in the wheelchair, I feel so bad for her, but she’s got a lot to be thankful for. Easier for me to say because I can walk, but she’s alive with her family who loves her. Like she can feel me looking her way, she turns and just stares for a bit. Then very slowly she smiles at me and turns away. Her parents don’t need to worry, she’s okay. They must not be seeing what I just saw.

Before I can even bring the subject up, I hear a growl—yes, a growl—right before my table shakes. Trying to figure out what is going on, I see Ollie’s wheelchair directly behind a little boy who stopped next to the couple I’ve been talking to. Even from the small distance, I see the girl wheel closer to the boy. Oh, no something is about to happen right in front of me. Then it does in spades as Ollie begins to talk in the quietest of voices.

“Excuse, sir, may I have a moment of your time? It won’t take long, just need a word with you.”

Mr. Kelley turns around confused.

“Do I know you? What’s this about?”

I see Ollie fighting for control as Natalie comes to stand next to me, taking my hand. She leans into me saying softly, “The guys are on the way.” What? Why are the guys on the way? I’m so lost.

As Ollie and Mr. Kelley walk off a bit, Mrs. Kelley’s head is going from them to her son, I’m guessing, to them?

“Honey, what’s going on? Why is that man wanting to talk to your dad, did you do something?”

Before the boy even tries to speak the girl in the wheelchair jumps in.

“Mom, knock it off. You always assume Tommy did something wrong. Maybe it’s not even about him for God’s sake. You can’t blame him for all the mistakes that happen in this family, even though you try to all the time.”

I hear the gasp but ignore it because right at that moment Mr. Kelley is starting to get red in the face, pointing a finger in Ollie’s face, which isn’t going over too well. Not sure which one of these discussions is going to be the first to blow, I’ve no idea which one I should try to put the fire out for first. Joe and Merty come around to my other side. Merty sits down while Joe stands behind her.

Then in a blink of an eye, the whole front area of my house is filled with military men. It feels so weird because one minute no one is here then everyone, even Charlie. I see Mark and Liam go over to Ollie and Mr. Kelley, while Charlie and a few of the other guys come to where Mrs. Kelley and the kids are. Somehow everything stays calm as they escort them to the back end of my house. Before I can even ask, Natalie gives me the okay to go, she’ll stay here.

I jog around to see that Mr. and Mrs. Kelley are standing next to each other with both of the kids some distance from them. Ollie is on the sidewalk path, just rolling back and forth with his arms pushing the movement. Mark and Liam are talking between themselves. Not sure what the hell is going on, I approach the calmest of the bunches which are Mark and Liam.

“Sorry to interrupt, but what the hell is going on? I’m trying to run an open house, not a battle royale. Why is he doing this?”

I assume they know that he is Ollie because I’m so mad I can’t even say his name out loud. After a minute or two, both men shift their gazes to me. Liam literally puts his hand out like ‘dude, this one’s yours,’ which I can’t even explain or put into words how much that pisses me off.

“Paisley seems like the boy said some things to Ollie and Natalie that had them concerned. Now our brother probably could have handled the situation a little better, but his heart is in the right place. As you can tell, shit happened in that family that hasn’t been dealt with yet. We’re just trying to find a solution so everyone can go about and enjoy the rest of their day. Know what I mean?”

Mark gives me a grin which I don’t return. How dare Ollie assume he knows about these folks’ pain. Liam jumps into my mind at that moment.

“Paisley, our boy in that chair, he’s been specially trained to scope out people who lie, steal, kill, and everything in between. Might be nothing but from what I got, something ain’t right here, and Ollie means to get to the bottom of it. We’re sorry it took place right out front, but it’s over and we’ll handle it from here. Go ahead, hon, go back up front. You’ve got enough going on.”

“Is Ollie gonna be okay, Mark? I’m worried something else is going on, isn’t it? I can actually feel it like a fizzing or something in the air.”

He really scrutinizes me for a bit then gives me one of those smiles Charlie has been talking about. Yeah, I can see it affecting her lady bits because he’s that good.

“No worries, Paisley, our boy is gonna be just fine. I can guarantee it. You just keep looking that way at him and I have no doubt Ollie will suffer through whatever, just for one of your looks. Especially that one right there.”

I give him my best stink eye then turn and head to the front, hearing his laughter following me all the way back.

* * *

He’s never left my side since whatever happened… happened. The Kelleys did come back to adopt two kittens for the kids. The process is that they complete the paperwork, we do a check, then have them come back out with any other animals in the family. If everything checks out, then their new animal is released. But seeing those kids with the kittens in their arms I did something I rarely do. Broke my own rules. So as the Kelley’s whole family, along with two kittens head home, I let out a breath. Damn, what a long-ass day. Not too much drama, most of it is sitting right next to me. What the hell he was thinking I have no idea, but something about that boy hit Ollie hard. Yet I could also see something different about that family when they came back to my table. They seemed closer, more connected. Mom was pushing her daughter’s wheelchair and every once in a while, would run her hand down her hair or squeeze her shoulder. And every time the girl leaned into each touch. Glad in the end it worked out. But I am still a little pissed at my SEAL on Wheels.

I can’t let one incident ruin the day because without even going over the numbers and files of adoption requests, I already know we had a phenomenal day. I think one of the best ever. All the baked goods are gone. Well, what wasn’t gone before all the military guys came around reaching in their pockets, dropping twenties for a cookie or two. Natalie was laughing so hard, hands filled with cash.

Charlie is on the other side of me, and I think she’s there to protect Ollie. Not sure why I think that, but that’s the feeling I’m getting. He did tell me that he’s known Charlie a very long time as she’s friends with his sister, Onyx. Maybe she feels obligated to protect him, who knows. She has no worries right now, I have too much to do now that the open house is over. As everyone gathers around, I go into the house, returning with a huge tray of sandwiches. Next round I bring out a vegetable tray and finally a huge fruit salad. I encourage all to grab some food and get off their feet for a bit. Then I turn and go into my house for a bit of quiet I so desperately need.

Well, that is until I hear the faint noise of wheels on my floors heading toward the screen porch. Damn it, can’t he give me five minutes before we dive right into it?
