Page 106 of Uncharted

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“Why do we need to know about his safe?” Quinn asked.

“The information Guadalupe is trying to get is inside. If you can get to her and get her to that room, she’ll be able to get it,” I said.

“Her freedom is contingent upon that information,” Davis added. “She won’t leave without it.”

“Once you’re inside, Quinn, Ben, you need to get to her and get her to that room. The entry is operated by a keypad with a six-digit security code.”

“Hope she knows it,” Ben quipped.

“She does.”

“And if she doesn’t, just Hulk your way into it, Ben.” We laughed at that. It was the first crack of laughter any of us had emitted since we started this meet.

“We got it,” he answered as both he and Quinn flexed their muscles.

“Any indication of alarms or trip wires? Motion detectors?”

My computer beeped with an incoming notification. “Yes.”

“We’ll need to disarm them,” Mark said.

“Don’t worry about them. Just get the guards out of the picture first.” They all nodded in agreement. “Doesn’t matter if the alarms go off. Ignore them. Just worry about guys with guns.” The computer beeped again.

“Alarms ain’t got shit on my kid crying,” Mark said, laughing at his own joke.

“No shit,” Quinn agreed. “Kid’s got a set of lungs on him. Puts your whining to shame, Twilight.”

Our chuckling couldn’t be helped. “Okay, so”—I looked at the display on the table—“it’s gonna take the whole team to pull this off.” I blew out a hard breath. “Three of us will enter from here.” I pointed to the outer edges of the compound. “The other two teams will breach here and here.” I pointed again to the spots on the printout. We don’t have time to practice. Everything must be perfect, or we run the risk of getting caught.”

“And what happens if we do get caught?” Davis asked.

“We don’t. No one’s going to come rescue us,” Mark said.

“And we have no jurisdiction over there. Our operation is not sanctioned,” I reminded everyone.

“We get in. We get out. We were never there,” Ben added.

Jackson pressed his palms to the table and leaned in. “In situations like this, guys like López have a history of making their problems disappear. Forever. You do whatever you have to do. Just get your ass back to the rendezvous point.”

Everyone was silent as they nodded in understanding. “You all are taking a considerable risk. I just want to thank you in advance.”

“We got your back, Sandy,” Mark said. The silly jibe didn’t diminish the thought behind his words.

“’Preciate it, Twinkie.”

“All right, people, let’s get things ready. Tomorrow’s gonna be a long day.”

“Let’s roll,” Mark and Quinn said together.

We dispersed in different directions, our ingrained training for prepping for a mission ingrained in us so deeply it was second nature.

There was another ping from my computer.

I felt Jackson hovering. “I just want to make sure you’re up for this.”

“Yeah, I am.”

“No one would think less of you if you wanted to take point from here.”

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