Page 112 of Uncharted

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I didn’t know how much time had passed when Marisa’s doctor came through the doors of the waiting room. Davis and I had been silent after I called Marisa’s dad. We both stood, eager for some good news. “She made it through surgery,” Doctor Platt said.

I released a heavy sigh. “Okay, so she's all right?”

Doctor Platt pressed his lips together. “She's in stable condition at the moment, but she suffered extensive injuries. There's considerable internal trauma. We have to wait—”

“Wait?” I hissed, interrupting him. I could feel Davis beside me wound up and ready to pounce as well.

“Yes. We need to see how her body responds. She’s been through a lot.”

“You think I don’t know that? Is she gonna make it or not?”

“Hey, hey, Tyler,” Davis said. His hand on my shoulder felt more like placating than comfort. I knew he was trying to have my back. Nothing could comfort me right now.

I shook my head. “No. What the hell does that mean? You gotta tell me. Is she gonna make it or not?”

The doctor was trying to be patient with my outburst. I could tell in the way he stood and how he considered his words. “She's stable for now, and we're doing everything we can to ensure she continues to improve.”

“Doc, we both know that that's not the best you can do,” I said, looking to Davis. “I need more details. Are you talking a fifty-fifty chance? Better? Worse? Her father is on his way in. I need to be able to tell him something.”

“I’m sorry I can’t give you a more solid answer. Like I said, we're doing everything we can. We have to wait and see.”

“Thank you, doctor,” Davis said.

With a tight, apologetic smile, Doctor Platt left us alone again.

“She’s lucky to have you, Davis,” I told him.

“We’re lucky to have her.” His words were sincere, and I felt the weird instinct to hug him. I clapped an arm around him in the only way guys really hug one another. “We certainly are.” I released him and took a deep breath. “I know you want to stay—”

“I’ll go home. Shower and change. Give you a few hours.” He knew the direction I was heading. I appreciated the fact that I didn’t have to strongarm him or talk him into giving me time with Marisa on my own.

“Thanks, man.” He nodded. “I’ll be here when you get back. It’ll be good to take a couple hours for yourself. And unwind,” I said, knowing my words were exactly what he was going to say to me.

“You text me immediately if anything changes.”

“You got it,” I said.

I was grateful Marisa had such a solid, stand-up partner. He wasn’t just someone she worked with. Chad Davis was family. I got their connection. It was what I had with my team.

I sank back down into the same damn chair. I avoided making eye contact with the two other people in the waiting room, momentarily regretting that Davis wasn’t with me. At least he could be my buffer. He needed some rest. Hell, we both needed some rest. What we both really needed was a shower, but I couldn’t even think about that until I knew Marisa was out of the woods.

* * *

Fear took over. Was I going to lose her? Was my worst nightmare coming true? I lifted my face from my hands and tried to shake the awful thoughts from my mind. It was impossible to do when Marisa’s body lay unresponsive. She hadn’t opened her eyes yet. She hadn’t squeezed my hand when I talked to her.

She made it out of surgery without any complications. I was thankful for that. I sent off a text to the guys letting them all know her status update.

The sun's rays glowing behind the window coverings contrasted with the inside of the hospital room. Outside, it was a bright and beautiful day. In here, everything was drab and gloomy. The only bright side of things was that I was with my girl. I repeated Marisa’s name and talked to her, hoping she would open her eyes, and I could hear her sultry voice say my name.

“Tyler?” an unfamiliar voice said from the door. I turned and saw Roland Atkins, the man who I had only ever seen in photographs.

I stood and accepted Marisa’s father’s handshake. “Mr. Atkins.”

“Nice to finally meet you, son,” he said. His eyes were glued to Marisa lying silent in the hospital bed.

I felt a need to explain why I was here in her room. “Her nurse said I could sit with her.”

He stepped further into the room. “Yeah, yeah. Of course.”

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