Page 17 of Uncharted

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My head snapped up.HOLY SHIT!

Thank goodness the place was crowded and noisy with people now. Otherwise, we’d have to speak softly.

“I’m kinky,” Tyler said, his words sensual and suggestive. “Not anything out of the norm, I promise you that.”

“Uh—” My eyes were transfixed upon his lips. I wanted to hear more. More of his kinky talk. More of his wicked words.

“I also promise you’ll like everything I have in mind for you. It’s nothing you won’t be into. And if it is, just say so, no questions asked.”

Holy. Mother. Of. Mary.

My mouth wanted to beg him for more details, but my mind could not compute. Asking me to add two and two seemed a laborious task for me right now.

Tyler snapped his fingers and smiled. “Earth to Marisa.” His grin was cocky. He was utterly amused with himself and rendering my brain useless. “I’m a straight shooter, Marisa. I will answer any question you’ve got for me honestly. I won’t beat around the bush.”

My mind clicked back into gear. “Glad to hear it.” Or at least I thought it had. “I don’t beat around the bush either,” I said and immediately smacked myself for my stupid comeback.

“I never beat around the bush,” he said with a sinister wink.

I met his smirk with my own. I couldn’t resist sharing a laugh with him.

“All right, let’s get back to those questions of yours. All this bush talk is making my mind start to veer off in a very different direction.”

His brashness and confidence were making my mouth water. He was a big, tall glass of tastiness, and I was fuckin’ thirsty. I wanted to quench my thirst. “Right, uh—” I cleared my throat then quirked an eyebrow. He could be cocky, and so could I. “Any mental illnesses?” My smirk said I had already deemed him a looney-toon.

“Only one that I know of.”

My eyes about popped out of my head at that. I definitely wasn’t expecting that answer. I didn’t know if it was surprise from my being right about him having one or him so willingly admitting it to me on our first date.

A surge of air burst from his mouth, and he hooted with laughter. His eyes were watering, and his face was flushed pink. “Oh, damn. You should see your face right now.” He slapped his hand on the table. “I wish I had my camera out to take a picture of you.” He continued to laugh. I didn’t get the joke.

He took a sip of water and a few deep breaths. “Look, Marisa. I am healthy as a horse. The only time I get mentally discombobulated is when I’mhangry. Keep me fed, and I’ll be happy.”

“Uh-huh,” I said, not quite sure what to make of him.

Sensing my unease, Tyler reached across the table and took my hand. It was massive, manly, and man-oh-man . . . all of a sudden, my mind concocted images of what those hands could do.

“Marisa, look. I was seriously just joking with you. You gotta find humor when you’ve been through the shit I have. And I’m sure you get that. You chase bad guys, lunatics, and gangsters for a living. You put your life on the line every damn day.”

“Yeah, well—” Another delicious squeeze of my hand, and that was all I could focus on—the feeling of his hand holding mine.

“Come on. Man up and commit to this date. Put your big girl panties on. Or take ’em off. Either way, I’m good. But I’m fuckin’ starving. Bordering on thathangrythat I was warning you about.”

I sputtered out a laugh. “You’re a loon!”

“No, I’m just hungry. And I’ve been dying to kiss you since before you started your little interrogation. So, if I can’t kiss you, I’d like to order the porterhouse and another drink.”

My panties were seriously about to self-combust. Tyler Sanderson just admitted, without blinking an eye, that he was dying to kiss me. I swallowed the words I really wanted to say,take me home right now, and said, “Fine.” I felt like a fish out of water. TylerSandmanSanderson had officially stupefied me. I met his eyes and willed myself to say something. “I will also have one of those.”

* * *

Tyler’s oceanic eyes were glued to me all throughout dinner.

“See something you like?” I asked coyly.

He waggled his eyebrows, the depths of his deep blue eyes flickering with humor. “Most definitely.”
