Page 27 of Uncharted

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He yanked on my hand, pulling me forward so I had no choice but to collide against him. His body, his chest, and his arms were solid as rock. Hard and perfectly chiseled granite. He was like my own private Adonis.

It took a moment for my mind to register what was going on—that my body was pressed against his. And it wasn’t merely because he pulled me to him, but that my body reacted like a freaking magnet. He was the positive, and I was the negative. And the only way we were going to be separated now was if someone wrenched us apart.

His free hand came up to cup my face. His finger running down the side of my cheek was done with precision. It was erotic. His touch was like an electrical current. It was an excruciatingly slow ache burning sweetly and deliciously through my body. His warm touch was sensitive, but I could tell it could quickly turn wicked. The idea made me want more. More of his fingers on me. More of his touch all over my body. More of Tyler everywhere.

He took a step back, and I was involuntarily pulled forward. A magnetic reaction drew me to him. He tightened his hold on my hand and took another step back, causing me to step closer into him.

His face was severe and unreadable. “Damn.” He shook his head. “I knew I wanted you when I was with you the other night.”

“But?” I asked because the inflection of his words suggested there was a “but” coming.

His midnight-ocean blue eyes flashed, steely and intense as he stared down at me. “But,” he began, “I didn’t know I wanted you this bad.” Even though his words were fierce, the message behind them was warm and strangely charming.

“Then take me.” My words were as intense as his. We were both fighting to be in control tonight. But control had to be given, not taken.

“This is gonna be a Wednesday you’ll never forget.”

“Oh, Tyler.” I brought a hand to his chest and arched an unimpressed, skeptical brow. “Promises, promises,” I taunted him.

“Oh, I promise, Marisa, by the time I’m done with you, you’ll be craving more.”

“Is that right?” I tried to sound apathetic, maybe even slightly bored, but the V between my legs was quivering.

He dipped his head forward an inch, lifted a brow, and added, “You might even beg.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ve never begged for anything in my life. Especially from a man.”

His bark of laughter bounced off the walls. “There’s a first time for everything.”

My body was on the verge of giving in to him right then and there. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction though. Instead, I hardened my resolve and said, “Don’t get ahead of yourself.”

“Perhaps we should set some firm ground rules before we move this party to the bedroom.”

“Um—” His request caught me off guard. I was enjoying our banter. But he’d effectively switched tactics and moved to a topic that derailed me. He was good. Oh, he was very good.

He grinned before he added, “And you lose all sensibility.” He was mouthwateringly, man-liciously adorable.

And we were back in the witty repartee game. He was cocky. And I liked it. This type of arrogance on someone else would have been off-putting and even annoying. Someone else talking to me like this, and I’d have sent them packing. But with Tyler, I couldn’t help but appreciate it. He was so damn magnificent, and those sweet little dimples made him so cute.

He had a point about setting some rules. A really good point. But right now, I didn’t want to think about rules or the semantics. Or the next steps. I wanted to think about him. And me. And his mouth. And his hands. The fantasy that was about to become a reality.

“I think”—I looked at his lips and dimples again—“it might . . .”

His laugh ripped through him. “Oh, boy. It’s already happening.”

I shoved at him playfully. “Oh, shut up.”

“It might be good to just set a few —”

Instead of letting him finish his sentence, I leaned forward, pressed my mouth to his, and sank into the kiss. When I pulled away, I kept my lips against his as I ran my hands up his sculpted chest. “I’ve had enough talking for tonight. Haven’t you?”

Laughter vibrated through his lips, but I didn’t let up. I silenced his laugh with another kiss. I knew I wanted him. I definitely wanted this. And I didn’t want to waste any more time talking.

He hoisted me up around his waist, and I latched onto him. The heat of his body. The hardness of him against my center. The need to want and be wanted, to take and be taken, to touch and be touched.

His guttural groan told me he wanted me as much as I did him. It vibrated against my lips as he stumbled backward with me still wrapped around him. I gripped his waist with my legs and wrapped my arms around his neck to make sure I didn’t fall. But even with these two simple movements, me tethering myself to him with all of my limbs, I still felt as if the earth fell away. I was being swept away. I needed a lifeboat. Something to keep me from being carried away and dragged out to sea.

Suddenly we were in my room. I didn’t need to direct him where to go. His skills at knowing his intended target and layout of the land were uncanny. Tyler planted a kiss to my shoulder and set me on the floor. He smoothed the hair back from my face before dipping his head. Warm breath feathered over my neck, then my cheek. Tender lips at the corner of my mouth. Our breaths were one and the same as we inhaled and exhaled together.
