Page 37 of Uncharted

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I didn’t want to be here. I wanted to be back in bed. With Tyler.

He spent the whole night and morning, which we hadn’t done before last night. It was one of the “rules” we’d discussed. Rather, I told him it would be best that he didn’t. “You know, to keep things simple and unattached,” I had told him.

We hadn’t broken that rule until last night. We slept together after our acrobatic sexcapades, but he had always left by three in the morning. We had never woken up and snuggled. We had never had morning coffee or breakfast together at my place after spending the whole night together.

Technically we still hadn’t. I’d gotten the call earlier, had to rush to get ready, then sent him away. “With a fuckin’ to-go cup of coffee,” I said to myself as I pulled up to the scene. “God, I’m an asshole.”

I knew Tyler was disappointed. But he understood the urgency of me leaving. He was a good sport about me shoving him out the door and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to give you at least four stars on Yelp.”

I laughed again as I shoved out of my car. What the hell was I doing? What the hell was I going to do?

I really,reallyliked Tyler “Sandman” Sanderson. This was not good. Not good at all.

I was screwed.

Even more screwed than the dead guy in front of me.

* * *

“One victim. Donnie Finks, twenty-nine. Trust fund baby on the wrong side of town,” Chad Davis informed me when I walked up.

“What’s he doing over here?” I asked.

“No idea,” he said.

“How are you, Dr. Daniels?” I asked Myah, who was going through her process of examining the deceased.


I chuckled. Only people like us could be around dead bodies and still be able to think about food. It made me think of our former medical examiner who could eat his lunch next to an autopsy. Gross.

“What do you got for me, so far?” I asked.

Rick Pearson said, “Single GSW.”

“To the chest,” Jimmy Lockett added.

Myah added, “Fairly large caliber . . . And from the lack of blood where he was found, I’d say he wasn’t shot while dumpster diving.”

“Where was he found?” I asked.

She jerked her head to her left. “Dumpster. Owner of the bakery found him when she brought out her trash.”

I bent down to Myah’s level and looked at the entrance wound. “So, someone moved him.”

Pearson said, “Wouldn’t have been found until later either. If at all. Trash pickup is today.”

Myah pointed to Finks’ shoes. “I’ll run an analysis on the dirt and grass. See if anything pops that might help you find where he was prior to being dumped.”

The park across the street caught my attention.

“Other than the little postmortem trip, looks like a pop and drop. I’m guessing sometime late last night.”

I looked at the guys. “Lockett and Pearson get on it. Finks was brought here. Could have been from anywhere. But if I had money, I’d bet it was the park across the street.” Their eyes all moved to where I was looking. “Get some Uniforms to start with a perimeter walk from right here over and through to the outskirts of the park. Tell them they’re looking for a blood pool and a shell casing.”

“Roger that,” Pearson said.
