Page 5 of Uncharted

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“I know, I know.” Fuck, why’d I have to open my big stupid mouth? I hated the fact I’d made her think of that prick.

“The guy who I caught screwing around on me. On the couch,Ipicked out for our house. Right before we were supposed to get married, might I remind you.”

“I’m sorry. You’re right, Catherine. I have no room to complain.”

It took five deep inhalations for her to catch her breath. She held up her hand and shook her head. “No, you do. I am not trying to diminish what you’ve gone through. But, please remember, almost everyone goes through shit before they find their soul mate.”

“Okay, let’s get back to the babies you’re going to have.”

She waved her hand, dismissing me, the action telling me I didn’t have to shut up and stop my complaining. But I didn’t want to talk about shitty guys from the past.

“Okay, maybe you can help me with something,” I said, pulling up the camera roll on my phone and scrolling through my options.

“What’s that?” Catherine asked. “What are you doing?”

“Looking at my pictures. I’m thinking I should update my profile on that dating app.”

“A dating site?” Her horrified look, like she’d just sucked on a lemon, was comical.

“Calm your pants, Catherine. You don’t have to worry about it.Miss Happily Ever After and Married.” I pretended to retch. “Barf.”

“Don’t be jealous,” she teased. “You’re seriously putting yourself online?”

“I’ve done it before. Not with very much success.” Her continued stare made it seem like she thought I was signing myself up for a porn site. I laughed at the absurdity of the idea. “It’s kinda fun. Don’t judge me.”

“I’m not.” She shook her dark brown locks. “I’m not judging you.”

“Yes, you are. Making those faces.” I mimicked her sourpuss lemon tart face with exaggeration.

“Hey! I do not look like that.”

I laughed and stuck out my tongue.

“I promise, I’m not. I’m just outta the game, so I don’t get it.” She tilted her head and gave me a puppy dog look. “What’s the point in doing all of this?”

I shrugged. “To have fun.”

“You just listed off all the fun you havenotbeen having. Not to mention you just said you didn’t have fun last night.”

“Oh, I had fun last night. It was just this morning that wasn’t.”

She sighed, the exasperation and frustration evident in the harshness of her exhalation. “Marisa, you don’t need to go online to find a guy.”

“And how exactly do you suppose I’m going to find one? Certainly not the way I’ve been going about it.”

She snapped her finger and pointed at me. “I have the perfect guy for you.”

My mouth formed into an O. I was intrigued. “Who?”

“He’s sweet. Nice. Really funny.”

“Uh-huh.” My tone was doubtful.

“Super cute. Very handsome. They call him Sandman.”


“It’s his call sign. You know like how Jackson is Muffin, Mark is Twilight, Liam is Dreamboat, Quinn is Ladykiller, and Ben is Hulk?”
