Page 68 of Uncharted

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I grinned down at him before I leaned in for a kiss.

His mouth curved up before I locked lips with him for a quick kiss. He tucked my hair behind my ear. “I had a lot of fun today.”

“Me too.”

“You were pretty impressive in the ring. I’m glad to see you can take care of yourself.”

I gave him my most wicked smile.

“Not that I had any doubt. I know you can take care of yourself, that you’re trained. And that you keep up with your practicing. It’s somewhat of a relief to know you can.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

His words made my heart skip a beat. I tried to come up with a funny come-back, and I was pretty sure he could tell because he beat me to it with, “I mean, if you’re laid up, who’s gonna . . .”

“What?” I asked when he trailed off. “Have sex with you?”

“I was going to say have dinner with me. But yeah, the sex is a nice bonus.”

I laughed and punched him in the arm.

He wrapped his fingers around my wrists. His jaw clenched, then unclenched like he was holding back from saying something.

Before things got any more emotional, I snuggled back down and thanked him for being so understanding and supportive about not wanting to talk about the call we’d received at work. “I haven’t told you about the case we got called out on. But I just wanted to say how much I appreciated you not pushing me.”

“Of course.”

“It was a kid.” I blurted the words out quickly before I could reconsider. “A baby. Two-years-old.”

“Oh. I’m sorry. I can’t even begin to imagine.” His fingers traced over my spine.

“Calls are always hard, you know?” I didn’t need him to say anything for me to know he understood. “Kids are . . . you can’t get those calls out of your head.”

“Yeah,” he said as if he’d dealt with the same thing. And assuming he had when he was out in the field, he knew exactly how I was torturing myself and feeling like I failed.

“It wasn’t the parents’ fault. They just went in to check on their son and found him—” I choked on my words and couldn’t finish the sentence as the tears ran down my face.

Safe and warm in Tyler’s arms, I fell asleep.

* * *

“How do you break the seal?” I asked Tyler. I was going to give him a massage. We’d just finished our morning lattes. Yep, Tyler had a cappuccino machine in his kitchen. I was officially jealous.

He was propped up against the pillows. “You push that button right there.”

“Mmm.” I wiggled my brows and licked my lips. “Your special button?”

He chuckled at the innuendo. “Trust me, it’s not as pleasurable as yours.”

I pushed the button, and Bee popped into my hands. “Cool,” I said. It really was cool. Technology like this, which made it possible for people to get parts of themselves back, was really amazing. I couldn’t imagine the kind of brainpower it took to come up with and create machinery like this.

I placed Bee on the floor, then rolled off the sleeve liner as I’d seen him do countless times. Still unsure of myself, I gauged his reaction to make sure I did everything correctly.

“Do you have special lotion or something for your leg?” I asked.

“It’s in the drawer.”
