Page 9 of Uncharted

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“Oh, yes, please do, Oh Master of the Ladies,” Jackson said, a pacified sneer on his lips and sarcasm dripping in his tone.

Mark pretended he didn’t hear Jackson’s jab. “Women are like magic tricks. They’re meant for us to admire, not understand.” Jackson grunted. I rolled my eyes. “Think about it,” Mark continued. “When you try to understand women . . . really figure ‘em out . . . you take the mystery out of the illusion. Don’t know about you guys, but I like the mystery. Charlie, for instance, she’s an enigma. She keeps me on my toes, that’s for sure. I’ll never be able to figure out that mystery.” He lifted his shoulders and let them fall again, then swallowed the last of his beer. “Part of what drew me to her in the first place. But that’s what I love about her.”

“Yeah,” I agreed. I understood what he said, for the most part.

His analogy made sense to me. I figured it did to Jackson, too, since he didn’t push him to explain any further. Mark was one of those guys who could have you rolling on the floor, laughing your ass off one moment, then turning around to spout off something that made you think long and hard. That’s what everyone liked about him. He might be a complete clown and jokester ninety-nine percent of the time, but when you needed someone to have your back or talk you down off the ledge, Mark was your guy.

“What you need is the hard stuff,” Mark said, looking at the bottle in my hand. “Something stronger than beer. Something that’ll burn your throat on the way down and fuck you up so bad you can’t see straight.”

“I’ve got two words for you . . .”

“Fuck you?” Mark interrupted, his green eyes laughing.

“NO SHIT . . .” I corrected but laughed at his choice of words. “No shit, I need something hard.”

I was waiting for one of them to say,That’s what she said. Instead, Mark shrugged and said, “Stop being so damn picky.”

“I’m not,” I retorted. His sideways glance called my bluff.

“Just call one of your playthings and have her come over.”

“Yeah,” I said, agreeing out loud but disagreeing internally. Maybe he was right. Maybe I should just find someone and get the deed done. The thing was, I didn’t have as many options as these tools thought I did. In fact, I didn’t have any.

“That’s the one thing about being single, man. Don’t gotta worry about anyone but yourself. And you can hook up with whoever you want.”

“Don’t try and live vicariously through me. My life’s not as exciting as you think.”

“Hell no, I’m not. First off, I’ve got the best woman in the world. Second, Charlie would have my balls in a vice so fast.”

I let out a chuckle. “That’s true.”

“Honestly, I’ve never been so happy in my life. And my wife knows it. But being married is definitely work.”

“Well, being single isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be.”

“No shit. Thank God I knocked up Charlie when I did. Thank God she agreed to marry me before she realized she’s too good for me.”

Jackson laughed and clapped him on the shoulder. “Pretty sure she already knows that.”

I let out a short laugh and let my eyes drift back to the water. A calm silence fell over us. Pulling my phone out and thinking about Mark’s suggestion, I swiped my thumb over the screen and scrolled through my contacts. A gloomy realization hit me. Nope, none of these women were going to quench my thirst. And I didn’t want to have to brace anyone for my injury. The last chick I’d been with had totally freaked when she saw my prosthetic. I didn’t want a total clinger who was looking for marriage, but I also didn’t want someone who practically ran away at the sign of my disability.

“We should head back,” Jackson said, pulling me back to the present. We tossed our empty bottles into the trash and took off back to Jackson and Catherine’s place.

* * *

Jackson and Catherine Cole’s house was warm and inviting, even from the outside. The cozy front porch with conversational chairs welcomed guests to take a seat and spend time together. Walking through the front door, I noticed the wooden floors gleamed as though they’d just been polished. They covered the bottom level, which led to the main areas, Jackson’s office, and a guest bedroom. A massive fireplace was the focal point of the living room. A large rectangular mirror hung above it, various candles and photos from their wedding day lined the mantle. The space was airy and bright, with feminine touches sprinkled here and there. Jackson had won the argument for large leather couches and recliners, though.

The sound of women’s laughter bounced out from the kitchen. Jackson’s brow jutted up, showing his interest in someone other than his wife being here. “Catherine?” he called out from the foyer.

“In the kitchen. Marisa’s here.”

“Hey Jackson,” came a sultry, throaty voice. I recognized that voice but couldn’t place the woman’s face.

“I’m gonna check in on Charlie,” Mark said as he broke off from us and went to the guest room.

“Notice he saidcheck on, not with,” Jackson said laughed. “Still trying to pretend she doesn’t hold his balls in her hands.”

I grunted my agreement and followed him to the kitchen.
