Page 90 of Uncharted

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Marisa and I spent the entire first week of the new year together. But the second week, there was a murder, and she spent two and a half days straight working it until they arrested the perp. That’s what she called him. When she came home, she went straight to bed, and for the rest of that day, albeit night, she was sleeping.

And the next day, I was at work with West Coast Banking and Trust. And that’s when shit really hit the fan. We were hit by the robbery crew. Only they weren’t expecting highly trained SEALs on the scene. We took them out . . . eventually. But one of them got a shot off, and it hit me. It was only a flesh wound, but Marisa came barreling through the doors like a bat outta hell to make sure I was okay.

She had spent countless hours working with her team wrapping up the case, filing charges against each member of the robbery crew, and charging the one guy, who eventually confessed to killing Donnie Finks, with first-degree murder.

Now that all that was behind us, she chose to spend her time doting on me. I wasn’t as injured as she was treating me. My arm was in a sling and healing just fine. Still, she refused to let me lift a finger. I stole a look to the kitchen where she was busy at work.

Was there anything sexier than a woman in stilettos?

Only if that woman in stilettos was preparing dinner. Cooking dinner and simultaneously dancing, shaking her ass, swaying her hips, her body moving like a temptress.

“What’s that dance you’re doing?” I asked her, taking a seat at the counter across from her.

“It’s a little bit of cha-cha, a little bit of this, a little bit of that.”

“Well, I like it.” I waggled my brows at her.

“Oh yeah?” she asked, leaning forward over the vegetables.

I met her halfway for the kiss, “Mmm-hmm. I like watching you. Especially in those shoes.”

“I figured with you laid up, I’d give you something nice to look at.”

“I’m not laid up,” I said, going to her to prove just that. I took her in my arm, my other one positioned in between us like an unruly sidekick. “Let’s cha-cha,” I said as I started to move.

She laughed. “That’s not a cha-cha.” She placed my free hand in hers. “It’s gonna be kinda hard to do this without your other hand free, but it goes something like this.” She moved us forward and back, her hips cha-cha-ing back and forth.

“Try to loosen your hips.”

“I am.”

She giggled as she placed her hands on my hips. “Like this,” she said and tried to move me. She bit her lip, trying to figure out how to help me understand what she wanted me to do. “Come on, you’re not this tight and locked up in bed. Imagine we’re naked.”

“That’s making me hard.”

“Imagine . . .”

“Okay, you’re seriously not helping me here.”

I couldn’t get the moves right with my arm in a sling, but we had a good laugh nonetheless.

The ringing of the doorbell and urgent knock on the door had her springing over to answer it.

“Chad,” I heard her say.

“I’ve been calling and calling.”

“Sorry, my phone’s . . . uh . . .”

Chad Davis came rushing into the room. “Oh. Hello.” He’d only met me once, at the scene when I’d been shot.

“Chad, you remember Tyler Sanderson. Tyler, this is Chad.”

“Right,” I held out my hand to shake his.

He took it and gave me a beaming, cat-ate-the-canary smile. “Now I know why you weren’t answering your phone.”
