Page 98 of Uncharted

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We were no longer in the open space of the club. We were no longer in full view of my team. It was a tad bit problematic, but I had faith that we could handle the adjustment.

“Señoras,” Jorge said, handing us each a flute of champagne. “Only the best for you.”

“Thank you,” I said. Lupe said nothing as if this was what was expected.

“I apologize for the delay.” His eyes met hers as if she knew what he was referring to. Then his eyes came to me. “There was a—um . . . bit of unexpected . . .” He trailed off, then waved his hand, dismissing the thought he was about to share. “Nothing to concern the beauty of women.”

I gave him a thin smile. I figured it wasn’t something regarding me—otherwise, Lupe and I would probably not be sitting in the VIP room.

My heart skipped two beats as Jorge smiled then promptly licked his lips. His dark eyes moved over me from head to toe. His eyes traveled over my lips, then neck and shoulders. They hovered a moment when they landed on my chest. Then they slowly traveled over my stomach and hips. When he reached my legs, clad in my thigh-high heeled boots, he brought his tongue over his lips again. Then he bit his bottom lip in silent approval.

The slow deliberateness of his inspection made me want to punch him straight between the eyes. I did my best to tamp it down. I forced myself to imagine it was Tyler and not Jorge, who was eye-fucking me right now. When I brought Tyler’s eyes to mind, I couldn’t fight the heat that made me flush.

His creepy perusal back up my body was as torturous as it was on the way down. Thankfully it didn’t last as long this time.

After a long pause, his dangerously darkened stare met mine again, “Si. Perfecto,” he said. He shook his head and tilted it to the side, his eyes never leaving me. He was obsessed with watching me.

A quick knock at the door interrupted us. A man dressed in all black rushed through the door, trying not to cause a disturbance. But it was clear something was wrong.

He brought his hands in front of him and clasped them. He was nervous, I could tell from his body language. Either he was scared of getting the shit beat out of him by Jorge, or something was seriously the fuck wrong. “Sir, I must speak with you at once.”

“What is it, Daniel?” Jorge asked. He didn’t need to raise his voice. His tone clearly denoted annoyance.

The man scurried up to Jorge’s side and began whispering in a hushed tone to ensure his voice was low enough that no one else could hear him clearly. However, little did they know that I was at an advantage since I was successful at reading lips. My dad had taught me this trick when I was younger. It didn’t bode well for him over the years whenever he was trying to keep something from me. The memory made me want to laugh, but I squelched it and kept my face neutral.

“There are men downstairs. Think they’re cops,” Daniel said. I almost whipped my head around to take a look below, but I’d give myself away to them if I reacted to what I wasn’t supposed to know.

“What?” Jorge didn’t seem to mind that he’d raised his voice loud enough to draw our attention. This gave me an opportunity to focus on them and the conversation. Lupe stood up and came next to me.

“We think, sir, that there are cops downstairs.”

“Qué mierda?Qué carajo?” “What the fuck?” Jorge’s voice was venomous.

“They’ve been moving around. We’re investigating it now, but it seems like they’ve got their eye on—”

Jorge held up his hand dismissing Daniel’s final words. “We need to leave.”

I turned to look out to the dancefloor, trying my damndest to find my guys. And Tyler. My looking down to the area below wouldn’t necessarily draw attention to me. I hoped it would just keep up the façade that I was indeed on their side.

I sensed rather than saw Jorge step behind me. I had to quash the urge to pummel the shit out of him and grab Lupe and run. If I did that, she’d be blown, and there’d be no way for her to escape them without them putting out a hit on her. I wondered where my guys were and what the fuck was happening. I figured since I couldn’t see them, they had some strategy in play and were about to bust in the room we were currently occupying.

I couldn’t give this much thought though. I had to play this out and keep a level head—both for myself and for Lupe. I felt a shock as Jorge’s hand clasped around my arm above the elbow and turned me to face him.

My body tightened in response, ready to fight back. Instead, he brought his lips to my ear and said, “We need to get you and Guadalupe out of here quickly, quietly, safely.”

I nodded mutely, my vocal cords suddenly refusing to work. “Ramona, you and Guadalupe must do exactly as I say.”

“Okay,” I said.

“Ten confianza en mí,”he said.

Trust him? Was he fucking serious? Still, I nodded my head, keeping the play going and hoping for a fucking Hail Mary at any second.

The only response I could come up with was, “What are we doing? Where are we going?” Switching tactics when I realized it sounded like I was probing for information, I looked at him, fluttered my lashes, and put my hand on his chest. “Are we going to be okay?”

“We are taking you somewhere safe.”
