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“I said no. You’re not serving us. Get someone else.”

My stomach drops. Oh.

“I, uh…”

“Amber was my niece. Did you know that?”

“No, ma’am,” I say quietly.

“She was supposed to go to Harvard. Did you know that?”

I nod, staring at my notepad.

“She volunteered at the animal shelter. Did you know that?”

I nod again, still unable to look at her.

Trust me, everyone made sure the entire world understood how perfect the victim was and how horrible the perpetrator was. It amazed me how the prosecutors and press found fault with every aspect of my existence. Things I didn’t even do suddenly became slash marks against me. And the things I had done? I wouldn’t have had a chance at trial.

“Are you even listening to me?”

I force my gaze up to meet a table of hostile stares.

“Are you stupid? Go get your manager,” the man beside her hisses.

I swallow a rock in my throat as I turn and head over to Leah. “Um, Table Eight would like a different server,” I say.

“What? Why?”

I don’t know what to say as my heart pounds in my ears. “They, uh…” I glance back, feeling their hatred stabbing me from across the room. Fuck, this is so embarrassing.

Leah’s eyes widen with understanding, and I can’t look at her when she sighs. “Right. Yeah. Okay. I’ll take care of it.”

“Thanks,” I mumble.

I’m shaking when I go to check on another table. I try to keep my voice steady, but it’s hard when the guests are now shooting curious looks between me and the table that just rejected me. Are they going to request a new server as well?

They don’t, but by the time I deliver their food and check on my other tables, it feels like the entire restaurant is glued to my back.

“Oh shit, Tristan, right?”

I flinch at my name, not sure I can handle another public berating right now. Still, I have no choice but to acknowledge it and force a smile as I turn to see a familiar face. I’m pretty sure his name is Ashton. We were the same year in high school but definitely ran in different crowds. Did he even have a crowd? I kind of remember him being a loner smart kid who worked all the time. I noticed him come in tonight. It was hard not to when pretty much all my coworkers have been hovering around his table.

“Yeah. Hi. Ashton?”

He nods and waves toward the woman beside him. “This is my girlfriend, Iris.”

“Hey,” she says with a warm smile that matches her boyfriend’s.

I relax a little. They don’t look hostile. Maybe they didn’t call me over to rip me apart? That would be a twist.

“Your table seemed busy tonight,” I say to Ashton. “I couldn’t even tell who your server was. You’re a popular guy.”

He laughs and shrugs. “I worked here for a while. It’s good to see everyone when we come back.”

“Food must be good if you still eat here.”

“It’s the best. So how long have you worked at Shelton’s?”
