Page 94 of Flawless Desire

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I wakethe next morning to the smell of something delicious wafting through Caleb’s apartment. Is that… ?


I sit up, yawning, feeling content and satisfied in a way I never have before. The night passed in a haze of soft whispers and hard pleasure; now that I’ve made the decision to trust him, everything has fallen into place.

We belong together.

“Good morning,” Caleb says, strolling into the room. He’s carrying a tray with an incredible breakfast spread. “I hope you’re hungry.”

For him, yes. My nipples tighten and I can’t help the heat that floods between my thighs. “Since when do you make your girls breakfast?”

He smirks and brings the tray closer. He says, “Trust me, there’s never been anything quite like you in my bed.”

I blush,

focusing on the array of breakfast pastries, eggs, bacon, freshly squeezed juice. But in the back of my mind, a voice is whispering.

Trust goes both ways.

I have to tell him about Olivia.

Soon. But not now. He settles the tray on the bed between us, and pours coffee from the French press.

“Mmm…” I relax happily, nibbling on a slice of bacon. “Now this is the perfect way to start the day.”

“I’d say so.” Caleb gives me a wolfish grin, his hand sliding under the covers to my bare hips.

I giggle, batting his hand away. “Food first,” I pretend to scold him. “I need my strength.”

“Good point.” Caleb digs into the eggs, unfolding a newspaper that’s resting on the tray.

I look over his shoulder, and notice a feature on Sterling Cross’s anniversary gala this weekend. “Are you sure you have time to lounge around with me?” I ask. “There must be a ton of work to do, preparing for the event.”

Caleb gives an easy shrug. “I’m sure they can handle it. Besides, I’d rather spend the day with you.”

I flush happily. “I want to spend time together too. It’s just… “ I pause. “I usually visit my mom today. She’ll be expecting me.”

If she can remember who I am, that is.

Caleb nods. “I’d be happy to drive you.”

“Are you sure?” I ask. Visiting a residential home isn’t exactly thrilling date material.

“Of course. I’d love to meet her. if you’re OK with that,” he adds.

“Oh. Then… Yes.” I smile, nodding. “I’d like that, too.”

* * *

I explainto Caleb about mom’s favorite treat, so we stop and pick up a box of bear claws as usual, before heading out to Meadow View. I feel nerves tangle in my stomach as we park and head inside. I’ve never brought anyone here, and I can’t help hoping that mom is lucid enough to meet Caleb.

Luckily, her favorite nurse greets us with a smile. “She’s in a good mood,” she remarks, leading us down the hallway. “She’s been sitting out on her patio every morning. She just loves the flowers.”


I frown, confused, especially when we reach her room—and I see it’s empty. I look around.
