Page 46 of The Politician

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Sure enough, the bars there couldn’t barely contain the sight of the men in the room. Eli was hanging by a chain in the ceiling, two Masters working him over. His eyes were glossy, like he was drugged, and his body flush, cock full and leaking. There was no mistaking the bliss on his face.

Closing the little door, Lee leaned back on the wall, eyes closing to the tears that threatened. There was so much he didn’t understand, so much that hurt his chest. Not that he wanted the guy, he didn’t, but seeing him there…

And he was sure Eli was dominant. He was sure that Eli would take to doing kink with him, but instead, he was in there, letting two Masters have their way with him. His beautiful body was hanging there, muscled arms above his head. A little, blissed-out smile on his thick lips. He was so beautiful, so…

“Fuck him,” Lee mumbled, then left the corridor and ran smack into the giant, Ryan. “Hey!”

“Sorry, Ryan.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I need to start readying to leave. Can you possibly get…him, ready?”

“Sure,” Ryan agreed, still smiling at him. “Thought you fired him.”

“He needs to stay on until I find someone else.”

That statement alone took the energy from him. Ryan swung his arm around Lee’s shoulders and walked with him. “You know, Lee, that guy is a good one. You should think about keeping him around for a while. Maybe, and just hear me out on this, maybe he could use a dominant man like you to keep him in line.”

“What are you talking about? I don’t want to fuck him. I might have before, but not now.”

“Why not? The young man is fucking hot, he’s submissive in bed, so who knows? Maybe you can use that to keep him around and do your bidding. It’s worth a shot, right?”

Lee was confused by Ryan’s pushing. “I just said I didn’t want to fuck him.”

“Those who are submissive in bed are begging to be submissive in their everyday life, Lee. Just like you. Well, you are fully dominant in your life, right? Maybe the two of you can come to some sort of work around for your issues. You’ve already got him on the payroll, got him under your thumb somehow, if I know you at all. Why go through all that trouble again, with another guy.”

“You mean, keep him around and if he gets pushy with his opinions, just…tell him to shut the fuck up?”

“Well, yes, and if that doesn’t work, shut him up. You know how, you’ve been around here. Don’t abuse him, of course, or do something that could land you in jail…”

Lee looked up at the guy and saw his green eyes sparkling with mischief. “What are you trying to do, Ryan? Set us up? Believe me, that guy wants nothing to do with me anymore than I want to be with him now. It was a stupid thing, hiring him.”

“Sometimes the best things in life come from stupid decisions.”

Later, on the plane, Eli had a ghost of a smile on his face and though Lee knew why it was there, but it still irked him. “Have fun?” He asked Eli.

“Yeah, it was great. Oh, I suppose a dungeon way out there like that, hosting the people it does is kinda vile, but who am I to judge?”

“Yes, who are you to judge anything? Maybe you’ll see that some things aren’t as bad as you first think.”

Eli poured himself a brandy and sat back down across from Lee. “I suppose you’re trying to tell me something?”

“No, Eli. Listen, I got a little…angry at you when I shouldn’t have. I mean, yes, you have me twisted around a bit. I know better than to have some liberal dreamer in sandals turn my mind.”

Eli breathed out a silent laugh, shaking his head as he stared out of the window of the plane. “Yeah, that’s me.”

“So, as long as you do the job you have been, as my assistant and not my conscience or my, you know, sex partner, we’ll be fine.”

Eli turned back to him, his eyes narrowing, like he was trying to see through Lee. “Really. So, as long as I just book your appointments and make sure your coffee is hot and sweet, we’ll go on with this.”

“Yes. I think it’s for the best.”

“And now you have more on me, to keep me from opening my mouth to the media. Is that the whole reason for the trip?”

Lee felt that like a gut punch. He hadn’t known what the trip was, really. He’d hoped, in the back of his mind, that it could spark something, make Eli want him. But that wasn’t going to happen. He could see that. “Sure. Whatever, Eli. Just do your job and when you’re ready to leave, or I’m ready to get a new assistant, we’ll part ways and never speak again.”

“Fine with me.”
