Page 67 of The Politician

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“Stop worrying about me. Let’s go get you some connections.”

The party was in full swing by two that afternoon. There were dignitaries, businessmen, wives that were dressed as casually as they could ever be, still wearing fine jewels. The few politicians there, they were mingling like they were already campaigning, and Lee watched all of them, trying to guess which of them were being hunted, like him, by the feds.

One couple, Samuel and Osletta Primm, they had nothing to do with politics outside of what they dealt with on the board of Columbia University. He took Eli there after mingling with a few others casually.

He came up to them as they were laughing together with his parents. “Mom, Dad, Osletta, Sam.”

Osletta kissed his cheek. “You look as handsome as ever, Lee.”

After shaking Samuel’s hand, he said, “Sam, is this lady of your getting younger by the day? Pretty soon, you’ll look like an old cad with a young bride.”

As Osletta blushed, his parents excused themselves. Lee was grateful for that. He was also sure they left because Eli was there.

“Sam, Osletta, this is Eli Bloom, my assistant.”

Eli was wonderful with them, and they adored him. He laughed, flirting a little with Osletta, and when they found out that Eli was looking to be a professor, they were entranced with him.

He threw out quotes from the greats like he’d said them himself, and if he didn’t impress them with that, his natural sweetness did it.

Lee forgot for a little while about all his problems. That’s what Eli did for him. It sometimes felt like he was sent to him to change him. He took his worries about everything. He was truly Lee’s miracle.

Introducing him around to others that could help him, Lee was enjoying the party like he’d never guessed. He was making such a hit with their friends that his parents would never admit they knew he was gay. It would make them look bad, or at least they thought. Not quite all of their friends were as backward as them.

When they found a moment alone, slipping into Eli’s room, Lee kissed him in thanks for being the one person in the world that gave him true hope. “They’re all so nice. I’ll admit I didn’t expect it.”

“Eli, most of them have something to do with schools. I would bet that you are not going to be my assistant much longer.”

His smile faded. “Oh. Do you…are you trying to get rid of me?”

“No, Eli. But you are too good to be in this world. There are things you don’t need on your conscience.”


It all came crashing on him, but he held it back, so he wouldn’t burden Eli with any of them. “Don’t worry about it, Professor Bloom. Just start thinking about what you’ll plan for your classes.”
