Page 53 of The Text

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“Do that.” A horn honks. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper are driving by and waving. They’ve lived on this street longer than anyone. They’re wonderful people. Give you the shirt-off-their-back types.

“I better get in the house.”

“If you need anything, call. Night or day, doesn’t matter.”


He kisses my forehead, and we stand for a moment. “Call me.”

“I will.”

We part ways, and I go into the house. Mom and Dad are on the couch close together, listening to classical music. It’s really sweet. Perfect example of everlasting love.

“Bobby go home?” Dad asks.


“Have a pleasant talk?” Mom inquires.

“Yes. I’m going to my room.”


I take two steps up the stairway and stop. Bobby is right. My parents are good people, and they will understand. I turn around and plod back into the living room.

“Forget something, dear?” Mom asks.

“Can we talk?”


I sit down in a chair. “I’d like to tell you why I’m home.”
