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How did I make it home without falling completely apart?

It was probably because of the girl who drove me here. What a breath of fresh air. Hope she and her boyfriend make it; I really do. And they likely will if he’s not a cheating liar like Noah.

I was hoping it was all a big misunderstanding and when I met up with Blake, he would tell me so.“It will all be okay, Amber,”I hoped he would say.“Noah loves you and misses you and needs you back. You were made for each other… Go to him. Run.”

It’d be sunshine and roses from there. Happily ever after. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

They’re engaged for crying out loud. She’s carrying his baby while I lie here completely gutted. Will our babies be born at the same time? Is he expecting any more children from his other mistresses? Wouldn’t surprise me in the least.


I need to get off this bed and begin searching for my new place. That’ll disappoint my parents, but I can’t live here forever.

My stomach grumbles. Hunger pangs. I need to eat. Nutrition is important. Staying healthy is a priority. It’s all about the baby now.

I swing my legs over the side of the bed and plant my feet on the floor. Head down to the kitchen. Before I make it to the refrigerator, knuckles rap on the front door. A brief hesitation ensues. Should I, or shouldn’t I? Not really in the mood.

The knock comes again. Guess it could be important. I answer it.

“Bobby?” I’ve been avoiding him. Things have been awkward between us, and I don’t want to deal with it.

“What’s going on?” he asks.

“Making a sandwich.”

“Can I come in? We need to talk.”

Oh, God. He wants to talk. This is where he tells me he loves me and that we belong together. He’ll make a good father, be a good husband. And he would, too. No doubt. I love Bobby. But not in that way. I’ll never marry if not for love.

“Can we do this some other time, Bobby?”

“No, we can’t.”

Guess this talk will have to happen sometime. Might as well get it over with. I step away from the door. “Come in. You want a sandwich?”

“Why not?”

“To the kitchen.”

Bobby heads that way, and I close the door. This won’t be pleasant.

* * *

I make sandwiches and set them on the table.

“Something to drink?”

“Tea if you’ve got it.”

I do and pour us each a glass. “Here you go.”


I sit across from him. “Go ahead.”
