Page 15 of Sins Of The Flesh

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He tosses the cloth as I yawn.


“A little.”

“Stay with me tonight,” he murmurs. I’ve never spent the night with him in the months I’ve been coming here. I don’t know if I should. I start to say no, but Justice leans in and presses a kiss to my lips that makes me forget everything.

“Please.” His words are soft and different. How could I say no?

“Okay.” He smiles and snuggles in behind me, wrapping me up in his arms until I finally fall asleep.

I’m not sure how long I’ve been asleep when something wakes me. I try to shift and move, but Justice has me pinned against his body. I blink my eyes and look at the clock before I groan. Did I really spend the entire night with him? I thought I’d only slept a few hours, but now it’s seven in the morning.

I slide out of bed and grab my dress, pulling it back on with my bra and panties.

“Don’t go,” he mumbles.

“I didn’t mean to sleep that long,” I tell him.

“So? We were tired. Don’t go, Sky,” he repeats. I sigh this time.

“I can’t have a relationship, Justice. I’m sorry.”

“I wasn’t asking for one,” he says as he sits up in the bed. I don’t know what I was thinking. Did I want him to beg me for one? Is that what I thought this was? Him trying to have one with me?

I’m so confused and feel so stupid. I hurry and shove my feet into my shoes as Justice gets up and dresses.

“I’ll walk you out.”

“I’m fine.” I hurry out the door with him not far behind me.
