Page 53 of Sins Of The Flesh

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Chapter Twenty-Eight


I call Justice’s phone again and again, but it goes to voicemail. I don’t know why he isn’t answering; he always answers me.

Blowing a breath, I walk towards Dark Sinners, knowing that Christy should already be there.

What I find when I get there, though, is far from normal. People are scrambling around the place in a rush as I walk up to the doorman.

“What’s going on?” His eyes meet mine as a look of shock crosses his features.

“Skylar? You are Skylar, correct?” I’ve seen the man on more than one occasion manning the door when I’ve come to see Justice.

“Yes, I am. What’s happening?” Before I can ask anything further, he grabs my arm, pulling me inside the building.

“She’s here! Where is Rodney?” The man screams as I pull my arm free of his.

“What the hell is going on?” Feeling my nerves rise, I may punch him if he doesn’t answer me soon.

“Rodney will explain it to you.” Reaching for me once more, I start to turn on him when Rodney rushes down the hallway.

“Jesus! Where have you been? Why aren’t you answering your phone?” he roars as I lift my cell in my hand and show it to him.

“I don’t have any missed calls, and I’ve been at the shop. What’s going on?” I ask once more.

“Bana is back.”

“What?” I gasp as Rodney wraps his arm around my shoulders and leads me down the hall.

“He’s been stalking Justice since you guys returned. He wasn’t safe,” he explains as I glance at him.

“What do you mean? Where is he?”

“They took him somewhere safe,” he says.

“What? Where? I’m so confused,” I say as I shake my head and run my hand through my hair.

“I don’t know where he is. My contacts can’t find him, which is a good thing, Skylar. Bana won’t be able to track him.”

“But you’re sure he’s safe?”

“Yes, he’s safe,” Rodney assures me as I drop into the chair. This is all a mess. He’s gone. They took him away to protect him, but it feels wrong. This all feels wrong.

“There’s something else,” he adds.

“What more could there be?” I ask in shock.

“He was shot at. That’s why they took him.”

“What? What do you mean he was shot at?”

“After they picked him up, the car was shot at. He’s fine. He wasn’t hit, but that’s where I lost track of him,” he explains. My head is swimming with information, and none makes much sense. I don’t know what to think or feel right now. He’s in danger. What if something happens to him? What if they find him?

I can’t think straight. I shake my head and stand to my feet, pacing the floor for forever. My mind is all over the place.

Rodney tries his best to comfort me, but that’s the last thing I need right now. I need Justice. I need to hear his voice and know he’s safe. I need him.

“I can’t sit here,” I say as I head for the door. Rodney stops me and says, “I’d prefer it if you stay here where you’re protected.”

“I can’t sit here, Rodney. I can’t!” I snap at him. I know I shouldn’t leave, but I can’t stay. Instead of listening to a word he says, I head for the door and storm out. As soon as I step outside, a loud bang pierces my ears as pain shoots through my body. I hear tires squeal on the pavement as I fall to the ground.

“Skylar!” I hear Rodney’s voice as I hit the ground. “Fuck, Skylar!” More shots are fired in the distance, but colors swirl behind my eyes as pain radiates through my body.

“Stay with me, Skylar,” I hear Rodney say.

“Don’t let them hurt him,” I plead with him.

“I won’t. Just stay awake, Skylar. Look at me,” he says as I look up at him. There’s noise around us, people screaming, more shots being fired. My head swims as Rodney looks away and my eyes slowly flutter closed. All I can see is Justice, out there somewhere.
