Page 55 of Sins Of The Flesh

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I’m not ready to see her lying in bed when I step inside. The last time I was in a hospital, I identified my ex-wife and daughter. The thought makes me tremble from the inside out. I don’t know if I can do this. I don’t know if I can be here.

I shake my head. She needs me now, more than ever. I suck it up and step further into the room before walking up to the bed. I lean down and whisper words in her ear before I hear her laugh lightly.

“Are you trying to attack me? I wake up, and you’re over me,” she laughs.

“I don’t think attack is the right word. My God, Sky. I’m so sorry,” I tell her.

“How are you here? They took you,” she says softly.

“They did, but they brought me back when I heard what happened. I should have been there, Skylar.”

“I would die if anything happened to you,” she mumbles groggily.

“And you? What do you think I would do without you? Huh? I can’t live without you, Sky.”

“Good thing you don’t have to,” she tells me. She’s right. I don’t have to because she’s going to be fine.

“You’re right. I don’t have to, and I’m so fucking blessed for that. I’m so sorry, Sky.”

“Stop. It wasn’t your fault. Did they find him?”

“He’s dead. He’s never coming after us again,” I tell her. I see her breathe a sigh of relief at that. She closes her eyes, and I see tears falling down her cheeks. I reach up and gently wipe them away when she opens her eyes.

“Do you know how much you mean to me?” she asks.

“Not more than you mean to me. I love you, Sky. Tell me.”

She blinks her eyes, more tears falling as I wipe them away.

“Words, Sky. I need your words,” I tell her.

“The way you make me feel comfortable with myself, with who I am and what I want. No one has ever given me that much freedom, Justice. You make me want things I never knew I wanted. You know what I need before I realize what that need is. I don’t think I could ever find anyone who understands me the way you do.”

I lean down and press my lips to hers, tasting the tears on my tongue before I whisper, “You know what? I feel the same way about you. You gave me a chance when no one else wanted to. You made me realize there was more to my life than the past. You’re bound to me, now and forever.”
