Page 22 of Paws Off

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Four Years Later


I placemy hand on my wife's pregnant belly. Trixie is sleeping in her lap, curled up against her protectively. I swear the pup knows that Mia is pregnant because she loves to sleep near her stomach, almost as if she's protecting our unborn child.

It's adorable.

My girls.

We already know the baby is a girl. Mia couldn't wait to find out so she could begin designing clothes for our little one.She’s graduated from design school, and we waited until after she was done with her studies before she let me put a baby inside her.

The moment she walked off the stage with her diploma, I pulled her into the car and got her good and bred. All I fantasized about when she was in school was getting her pregnant and starting our family. I threw those motherfucking birth control pills out the window the day she graduated.

Mia's in the process of launching her first fashion line now, and I couldn't be prouder.

While she designs all day, I run my software business. We both work from home, and we love it that way because we can spend as much time with each other as we want—and our little Trixie.

Our houses are still next door to one another. Sometimes we stay in mine. Sometimes we stay in hers. Maybe we don't need two houses, but we're reluctant to sell either one.

We don't want anyone moving in next door to us, so we're keeping both the properties. Maybe when our little one grows up, she'll want to live next to her mom and dad.

Mia places her hand atop mine and looks up at me with a smile.

I tuck her hair back behind her ear as we sit on the beach, watching as the sun sets over the Pacific Ocean. It's one of our favorite things to do.

I stroke my hand over the sleeping dog's fur. Trixie doesn't stir other than to arch her head slightly up into my hand, her eyes still closed.

After that little fiasco with her almost getting hurt, Mia and I decided that she needed some sort of training. While we didn't put her through a grueling obedience school, we watched some videos together on how to train your pup, and we worked with her until she listened to our commands.

She's still a free spirit, but she's a lot more well-behaved and doesn't run out the door every time you open it.

And it may have been unconventional, but when we got married, Trixie was right there in Mia's arms as we said our vows and I kissed the bride.

The little pup wasn't going to have it any other way.

We tried making her sit beside our feet, but she kept jumping on Mia's dress, insisting on being picked up. She wanted to make sure that she was a part of the ceremony.

And while Jeremy was my best man, he was also the one to walk Mia down the aisle.

Her parents didn’t even bother to fly in for the wedding.

Oh, well. Mia insists that she didn’t miss anything because she doesn't know her parents that well anyway. She says that Jeremy, Trixie, and I are all the family she needs, and I agree.

I scoot to sit behind Mia and pull her back against my chest, wrapping my arms around her. She leans her head against my shoulder as we watch the sun go down together.

We don't speak. We're comfortable enough with one another that we don't need words. We soak up each other's presence, our bodies molded together.

When the sun has completely set and only the moon shimmers over the waves, I glance around to check we’re alone on the beach.

This is the moment I've been waiting for.

I lift Mia into my lap and sit Trixie on the sand beside us, where she walks in a little circle before laying down and immediately going back to sleep.

I'm already completely hard in anticipation of making love to my wife here on the beach in the moonlight. I push Mia's hair to the side so I can place a tender kiss against the smooth column of her throat. She moans as I continue to worship her neck.

I pull my cock out before I pull her little bikini bottoms discreetly to the side as I push gently up into her.I wrap an arm around Mia’s waist. Her little hands clutch onto it as I push myself completely inside her, placing a kiss behind her ear.
