Page 35 of No More Hiding

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Rob shook his head. “No. Today. Wake up and do it.”

Brent sat up in bed and gasped for air, then looked around his room. Sammie lifted her head but not much more. There was no one there but the two of them with the sunlight coming through his window.

He looked at the clock and saw it was six and he’d overslept.


He threw the covers back and got up, Sammie jumping off the bed while he grabbed shorts to slip on and let her do her business in the backyard. He loved he could just open the door and have her run and then she’d come back to him.

He left the door open and started his coffee while Sammie ran around the yard. She was back faster than normal and he figured she might be hungry so he gave her a few treats. “You can have breakfast when I get mine. Those are the rules.”

He’d read that it was best to keep to a routine. Though when he got back from Vivian’s he’d fed Sammie and she inhaled her bowl. She’d had a lot of activity during the day and the small amount of beef and bread he gave her probably only held her over.

Thankfully she’d eaten a late lunch before they’d left for their walk. He talked about routines, but he didn’t have much of one himself.

He didn’t punch a clock and worked all sorts of long and crazy hours. He ate when he was hungry or Sammie was looking for her next meal.

He supposed his mother and sister were right. He needed the dog in his life to get him back on track.

And now he had a shot at having a woman in his life.

Was he ready to text her now? No. It was way too early. That’d be crazy.

He’d do it later. Or maybe tomorrow. Rob wasn’t always right.


Only A Man

Wednesday morning Vivian was getting ready for her first client of the day when her phone went off in her smock. She pulled it out and read the text from Brent.Full disclosure. I’m an idiot.

She frowned and typed back.I thought you were smart.

The bubbles were on her screen, then she read,In life I’m an idiot. I overthink things. Monday seemed too soon to text. Tuesday I had no clue what to say. Today, I’m like, shit, I waited too long. So yeah. Idiot.

She smiled.Makes sense.

Makes sense that I’m an idiot?

She looked up and noticed that Cat was glancing at her but ignored her for the moment.No. On why I didn’t hear from you. I figured you weren’t interested.

I’m interested. See? Idiot. Or rusty. I told you I was rusty.

I believe we both said we were. So am I to take it as you want to go out on a date?Cat was still watching her.

How does Friday or Saturday night sound? Dinner out. My treat. I can’t cook and won’t even offer. Any shot I had would be blown if I attempted it.

She laughed.Dinner sounds lovely. Friday works around six?

She figured she might as well put it out there or they’d be going back and forth and her client would be here any minute.

Perfect. You pick the restaurant. I’m too indecisive.

That was a way to put it back in her court. At least she knew they’d be moving forward.I’ll text you something. My client just walked in.


Short and simple. He didn’t leave her hanging with the last word or wondering if he got her response though.
