Page 88 of No More Hiding

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“The answer is always no if you don’t ask,” Maureen said.

They both faded away after that. He couldn’t open his eyes, but he felt the tears sliding down his cheeks.

“Vivian.”She turned over on the bed. “Vivian.”

“Grandpa?” she asked. This couldn’t be happening. No. She was dreaming.

Yes, she was, but he looked so normal to her. “It’s me.”

“You’re not real,” she said.

“I am if you want to believe it,” he said to her.

She did. She needed to. She needed so much in her life she never got. Someone in her life to love her and she’d thought she had that.

No. It was gone now and this time it hurt so much worse than any of the other times she’d been left.

It’d been several days since she’d walked out on Brent, throwing down the fatal words of them having no trust.

“I need you. I miss you.”

“I know you do, sweetie. Why do you think I’m here? You need guidance.”

“I do. What should I do?” she asked.

“Follow your heart. People make mistakes. You know that. And I’m not talking about your parents. I’m saying people in general make mistakes. The question is, if he asked more about your father would you have told him?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think so.”

“He has an inquiring mind. What he did is wrong and I’m sure he knows that. But then if he asked you more and you didn’t tell him, isn’t that wrong too?”

“Maybe,” she admitted.

“If you love someone you tell them things.”

“He didn’t tell me about his job,” she said.

“No, he didn’t. But he said his parents don’t know either. Maybe you need to find out why that is? Maybe it’s a protection issue too. Didn’t you think about the first thing that came out of his mouth once he knew who you were? He wanted to know if you were in danger.”

She hadn’t thought of that. “It could be,” she said.

“You won’t know unless you ask. Unless you talk to him. If you don’t want to move forward with him, then stay back and wipe him from your mind. We know you can do that just fine.”

“I don’t know what I want,” she said.

“Yes, you do,” her grandfather said. “And look at the calendar when you wake up. There is more going on that you might have forgotten about.”

She sat up in bed looking around the room. There was no one but her.

She grabbed her phone and noticed it was just shy of five in the morning. She looked at the date and realized what today was.

Throwing the covers back, she knew what she needed to do.

Two hours later, she was knocking on Brent’s door. She didn’t bother to text him she was coming. Call it cowardice on her part. Maybe she was hoping he’d ignore her and she could go home until she could work up more courage.

The door opened and Brent was there, his hair standing up in every direction, his beard longer than she’d seen in a while. Not so long as the first time she’d seen him, but he was pretty unkempt.

If it wasn’t for the fact she knew he was dressed and had showered, she’d think he was running on fumes and not eating or sleeping.
