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Thankfully, Jones’s reign of terror was over. After he stabbed Alex, HRT took him out for good. He’d died still believing he was someone else. After he’d murdered Andy Tedder and Emily Marsden, his personality had shattered in an attempt to protect the broken man he was inside. From what they could gather, he’d convinced himself that he would always be rejected because of a small scar he carried from a surgery he’d had when he was very young. He saw himself as disfigured and ugly. His rage and pain had built until it had to find release. And then when he inherited the mansion and money from his grandparents . . .

Logan’s mother squeezed his arm. “Everything will be all right, son,” she whispered.

Would it? He’d lost someone he loved with all his heart. It would take time to get to “all right.”

The minister nodded toward where they sat, and with his mother beside him, Logan walked up to the grave and gently tossed a rose on top of the casket. Now he’d have to learn how to live with this hole in his heart.

He stepped aside so others could place their flowers as well. Say good-bye. His mother stayed where she was as he returned to his chair.

“We’ll work through this together,” Alex said as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

He turned and smiled at her, thankful that the knife had hit her rib, breaking it but not hitting any organs. Most people didn’t realize that stabbing someone without hitting a rib was very difficult. You had to know what you were doing, and Jones hadn’t. Thank God he was shot before he could try to hurt Alex again or carry out his threat against Tracy Mendenhall.

He was grateful for something else too. As soon as he heard his father’s health had begun to decline, Alex had insisted they both fly to his family’s home so he could spend time with him. Dad had loved Alex immediately and insisted Logan give her his grandmother’s ring. She wore it now.

When Jeff let Logan know Alex had been taken to a medical center near where she’d been rescued, he’d left the hospital against doctor’s orders. As soon as he walked into her room, he told her how much he loved her. She’d cried and then said, “Well, it’s about time.” He’d had to hold her gingerly so as not to hurt her, but it was the best hug of his life. And the kiss wasn’t too bad either.

He was feeling better physically, and soon he’d start treatment for what was left of the brain tumor. He refused to call it “his” since he had no intention of claiming it. He was convinced that God was big enough to help him beat it.

After the burial they would be going to his parents’ house, where friends and neighbors would gather to offer words of condolence. Then their friends from Quantico would fly back home. He and Alex wouldn’t return to work for a while. They both needed to heal, and Logan was scheduled to begin radiation and chemotherapy treatments.

The minister said a few more words, and then it was time to go. Logan stood and took Alex’s hand.

It was just starting to rain, and Monty came over and handed him an umbrella. “Jeff and I can share one,” he said.

“Thank you. I should have grabbed one before we left, but I didn’t think of it.”

“It doesn’t matter. We’ll meet you back at your parents’ house.”

“You don’t need to—”

“Don’t even finish that sentence. We’re brothers. I’ll be there. Jeff is coming too. We can leave in the morning.”

Logan could only nod, then watch as Monty walked away. It was as if his emotions were stuck in his throat and no words could get past them.

“Let’s go,” Alex said.

He held the umbrella over their heads as they walked together, her hand in his.

“You need to rest,” she said.

“After everyone leaves.” He squeezed her hand. “I want to be there for my mother.”

“I understand, but I don’t want you to overdo it. And when we get home, I’m going to make sure you do whatever the doctors say. I’ll take good care of you.”

“I know you will.”

She looked up into his face, and when his eyes met hers, his love for her seemed almost too big for him to bear.

“I love you so much,” he said.

She smiled. “But I love you more.”

Logan wanted to kiss her, but it didn’t seem appropriate at his father’s funeral, even though Dad would have encouraged him to do it. But there would be plenty of time for that.

Challenges lay ahead, but whatever they had to do, the three of them would face it together. Logan, Alex, and the One who’d never left them. Who’d brought them through the fire and given them the desires of their hearts.

Logan smiled as Alex leaned into him, sliding her arm through his. The future was going to be amazing.
