Page 120 of Merciless

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I nod. “Just gotta make better ones now.”

“Yeah, so much has changed, we got no choice.” His eye catches on something behind me. “Speaking of changing, your old enemy turned best friend just walked in.”

I crane my neck to see Sin walking into the clubhouse.

He catches sight of me quickly and makes his way over. I see him tense as he takes Mullet in.

“Got access to the clubhouse, a guy who ain’t club and spent years linked to Thorns’ most notorious rival club and he’s the brother of its fucked-up President, no less,” Mullet mutters to me under his breath. “Talk about things being different now.”

“He’s also Ax’s uncle. He denounced Skinner and was there for Ax through the Malcolm Kent shit, and he’s been there ever since.”

“Yeah, I know,” he agrees with a heavy sigh. “I get why you two are tight now. You’re the last of the former big players. You been through a lot of the same and because of Ax and Rox hooking up, you’re family, to boot.”

“Don’t mean it ain’t complicated. Like you said, though, there ain’t no good to come from dwelling on what used to be. Means you’re gonna miss out on what can be.”

“Wise old bastard,” he chuckles, getting up and slapping my shoulder. “I’m gonna head out. There’s a dive bar outside town with easy pussy on tap. Next pussy party here ain’t set for ages.”

“What about that girl you’re seeing?”

He shrugs. “We ain’t locked down.”

I shake my head to myself as I watch him walk away, giving a curt chin lift to Sin, then heading out front.

“He still can’t get away from me fast enough, huh?” Sin says, sliding onto the stool Mullet just vacated.

“Nah, that was about him getting his fix.”

“Same old Mullet, fucking his way around the dive bars.”

“Like we got a leg to stand on when it comes to that.”

“We stopped doing that long ago, fucking around on our women. Been decades for both of us. Until Char, for you.” He grins at me. “Finally. Two decades is long enough.”

“So, now you’re on board with me and her?”

“It was hard to be at first, considering we thought she was bringing trouble your way, until we figured out she was a victim of Priest’s manipulations. And, you know, her knocking me out back at her place. But she’s apologized and it’s turned out she’s real good for you after all. So, yeah, I’m on board.”

“What about what I put to you a few days ago?”

“Her working with us?”

He knows damn well that’s what I mean. “Yeah.”

He shrugs. “So long as she stays in the field with you and don’t interfere in my end of things, it’ll work.”


He nods. “Plus, having somebody with her connections will bring a load more business our way, meaning we can expand and bring in more resources.” The prospect slides his glass across the bar to him. Sin catches it in the palm of his hand and takes a pull, before asking, “You sure you don’t want me down there backing you up against Priest?”

“Nah, we got it.” He ain’t been in combat for a long time. That’s my role in our contract work, while he’s relegated to the desk duty side of things, making the connections and getting the jobs, sorting rehab for some of our marks who deserve a second chance. “There’s me and Char, Cavalno and some of his guys, and Spartan’s man, Wraith. It’s covered.”

“I looked into the guy after he helped us out with the attempted kidnapping on Roxana. The shit he’s done… Jesus Christ… it’s a lot. It’s gonna be a bloodbath, especially with you and Cavalno also involved. Almost makes me feel bad for Charlotte, dunno how she’s gonna manage to reel all you animals in.”

Reel us in?

Yeah, that ain’t happening.

I’ve held myself in check ever since Priest went after my baby girl, but that’s only because I knew the time was coming when I’d get to unleash all the pent-up rage and brutality all over Priest and his Gatekeepers.

I meant what I said to Spartan about letting Cavalno take the lead, but that don’t mean I’m gonna reel nothing in when it comes to getting right in there and fucking those assholes up.

I ain’t gonna hold back. I’m gonna unleash it all, that devastatingly destructive part of me that all Priest’s bull has brought to the surface.

He called out the devil, that’s what he’s gonna get.

Just the thought of it all has me growling, “Bloodbath ain’t gonna cover it.”
