Page 35 of Merciless

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“The hit was to get lover boy’s attention.”

Not what I was expecting. “Go on.”

“Priest doesn’t want him dead. He wants him.”

“He hired me to kill him.”

“He knows about you two, knew you wouldn’t. But he also knew it would get his attention in a major way.”

The awful realization hits me like a wrecking ball. “He wants Cal to pay him a visit.”

Lewis nods. “He’d be walking right into the lion’s den.”

“And if he doesn’t?”

“You know Priest. He won’t stop. He wants something, he’ll use any leverage he can.”

“His family.”

“His family. You. That biker gang he’s tied to.”

“Club,” I correct him.

“Gang? Club? What does it matter?”

“There’s a difference. Always know what you’re dealing with, remember?”

“Don’t lecture me. Not when you’ve finally made a mistake.”

I tense. “How do you know that?”

He shrugs like it’s no big deal that he knows. “Why else would you have been carrying out a hit for the likes of the Gatekeepers?”

It could’ve been for any number of reasons.

That explanation isn’t good enough.

And his jumpiness is a little too much as well.

Something’s wrong.

Instinctively, I reach for my gun at my holster.

He grabs my hand and slams it down on the table. “I wouldn’t do that.”

“What’s going on?” I demand, hissing the words, as it becomes all too clear that he’s betrayed me. I just don’t know in what way yet.

“How do you think I managed to get this intel?”

“You’re connected.”

“Not like this.”

“Priest crossed you?”

“It was either me or you, Charlotte.” He squeezes my hand painfully, making me grunt. “You’ve served your purpose to Priest, now it’s time to tie up loose ends. I keep my life and my security firm intact if I enact his will here. You can’t fault me for that. After all, you’re the one who taught me to always look out for yourself first. Never compromise.”

Little bitch. “Then do what you have to do, Lewis.”
