Page 12 of His Angel

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He felt like heaven and that only made me eager to touch more of him. I started to push his shirt away, but Johnny broke the kiss to pull away. His breathing was a little more rapid than usual and his eyes were sleepy with passion, but he smiled that incredible smile at me. “Not here. I know how this should be. Come on.”

He grabbed my hand, the coffee and food now forgotten as pulled her from the counter, but I dug my heels in and shook my head.

“Fuck no. I’m in my damn pajamas, Johnny.”

“Oh. Can you change?”

“Well, duh!” I grinned while rolling my eyes at him. “Give me five minutes.”

“Okay. Hurry.”

I gave him a shot of my middle finger and went into my bedroom.

“Um, do you have a car?” I called out once I’d put on shorts, some canvas shoes, and a light blue t-shirt with no bra. I had a feeling I wouldn’t need one anyway.

“No. Been on a motorcycle before?” He called back. He couldn’t see the way I went still in my bedroom or the way my eyes darted to my dresser.

“Um. I’ve been mowed down by one. Does that count?” I shouted, going to the dresser to dig out two ibuprofen from the bottle there. Could I get on one of those things?

“Mowed down by one? What?” I heard his voice from directly behind my bedroom door. I opened it, braiding my hair after slugging down the pills with a bottle of water I kept on the dresser.

“When I was fifteen, I was hit by a motorcyclist that lost control. That’s what fucked me up and got me started on drugs.”

“Fuck. Shall I call a cab?” he asked, his face going pale.

“No. It’s a day for facing battles, isn’t it?” I smiled, though it was a lie. I was about to pee my pants I was so afraid. “This is one I should definitely face.”

“If you’re sure?” He asked, obviously not convinced.

“I am. Let’s go.” I put my hand in his, grabbed my bag and my keys with the other, locked the door, and marched us down the hallway. Time to face the music.
