Page 8 of The Chosen Heir

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“When you find her, I suggest you listen to her carefully. She obviously planned this for a long time. There’s a reason she left, and you can’t ignore it anymore. Not unless you want a repeat or to make her miserable for the rest of her life.”

He shot to his feet, hands on his hips, and glowered down on me. I shrank back into the chair until he released a sigh. Shaking his head, he relaxed his stance and reached out slowly, as if afraid of startling me. His knuckles tenderly grazed down the side of my face. “Are you truly scared of me?”

“You seem so…angry. I don’t like it,” I muttered, my eyes bouncing around the room to avoid the pain and offense in his. My insides shuddered, and I gripped the arms of the chair for support again.

“I’d never hurt you,” he swore.

“I know,” I mumbled. Darting a glance his way, I uttered, “I don’t like to see you so wound up. Upset. It’s hard to watch.”

He threw his hands up a little. “I’m stressed out as fuck. My little sister is gone. Anyone could have grabbed her by now. Cristo’s father is going to lose it when I tell him. Not that I give fuck all about him compared to Tasa’s well-being, but it’s a tricky situation. One that needs to be handled delicately. If he finds out on his own before I get a handle on the situation, he’ll take it as a direct insult to his son and his honor.”

“Shhh,” I replied, the sound coming out unexpectedly. The urge to calm him drove me hard. I’d do anything to bring his emotions down a notch or two. I gently took his hand and tugged until he took the seat beside me. His head dropped back against the chair, and he let out a low, exhausted breath.

“Relax, Alex. This won’t help you find her or deal with the fallout of her running away.”

A twinge of pride took residence in my chest as he took in a deep inhalation while I continued to caress his hand.

“There’s something that can take the edge off,” he said, tilting his head forward, eyes boring down on me.

I wasn’t sure exactly what he was referring to, but I knew how I’d like to take the edge off for him. Be of service to him. If I could, if we had that kind of relationship, I’d slip my hand into his pants and touch, pet, and stroke to my heart’s content. Better yet, I’d go on an adventure of discovery with my lips, tongue, and mouth. I’d taste every inch of him and bring him to completion until he flooded my mouth, until my throat was raw from the way I imagine he would take it. One thing I’d always admired was how he was his own man, utterly comfortable in his own skin, at ease with his physicality.

I licked my dry lips, dying to taste more of him.

“Don’t do that. You don’t know what a fucking cock-tease move that is, but trust me, Nina, you do not want to be teasing my cock right this minute. I’m at the limit of my control, as it is.”

I turned fully toward him. “Tell me what I can do to help you, Alex. I’ll do anything to soothe you, to make it better.”

“Kiss it better, you mean?” he teased, with a twinkle in his eye.

I flushed from the roots of my hair. God, he could read me like an open book. But I hurried to deny it, “That’s not what I meant. I just want to help. If you’re serious about Tasa being in trouble, then I’ll do anything to help you find her. Anything to help relieve your anxiety and bring her back safely.”

Slowly, I stood up and went behind the chair he was sitting in. Tenderly, I laid my hands on his shoulders and pressed my fingers into his tense muscles. Holy hell, they were like steel underneath my touch. I dug a little deeper, eliciting a low groan from him. It was an unholy, gravelly sound. I wanted more of it, so I kneaded deeper into his shoulder muscles. It was like working with granite, but eventually, his shoulders dropped, and he relaxed deeper into his seat.

Whenever I caught sight of him, whether visiting Tasa’s family home, the café, or at our apartment, Alex was always busy. Busy moving, busy talking on the phone, busy throwing out orders. Excusing himself as he took a call into a hallway while the rest of the family gathered for Sunday brunch or one of their many parties. He was always working. Even when I’d occasionally see him sitting still, his mind was clearly elsewhere, preoccupied with business.

Here, with me, I wished for him to unwind. My fingers seemed to be doing something for him, because his head dropped back against the back of the chair. The tension in his muscles seemed to ease under my attention, and I worked deeper into the tissue around his taut tendons. His sharp-angled jaw tilted upward. His eyelids drooped, leaving two shadowy arcs of dark lashes to fan out across his harsh cheekbones.

“I should have you come here every day to do this,” he mused in a low, velvety voice. “Your fingers are magic.”

“I’m glad,” I murmured back. Inside, I was going, squeee! To be this close to him, to be able to touch him and make him feel good was incredible. Helping this strong man garner the energy to go on, I was doing something meaningful. It was a heady experience. I could practically hear Mother laughing at me, but I shoved the disapproval away and allowed myself to enjoy my moment.

“Even your voice relaxes me,” he conceded, and that little flare of pride burned brighter in my chest. I had the power to change the mood of this dynamic, challenging man.

“You flatter me,” I replied.

His hand caught mine. I stuttered to a stop. He squeezed it tightly. “I don’t say anything I don’t mean. I don’t do anything I don’t want to do. Or stop doing something I want to do. You know that already, don’t you?”

“That I do,” I rasped out between dry lips, attesting to the truth of his statement.

Alex was referring to Tasa’s high school graduation party. It had been a wild affair, with a mix of kids from high school, the neighborhood, extended family, and business associates. Needing a break from the overwhelming energy of the crowd downstairs, I hunted for a quiet place. Winding through the hallways of the top floor, which was shared by Tasa and her twin, Nicu, I wandered past a bathroom when I heard sounds.

Grunting sounds.

I should’ve kept walking, but instead, I stepped closer. There was another grunt, accompanied by a moan. Creeping closer, I peeked through a crack of the open door of the bathroom. What I saw had me step away for a brief second. Unable to help myself, I promptly returned to my spot and peered around the wooden frame. My eyes slid down to the woman on her knees, moaning around the largest and only live cock I’d ever seen. For an eighteen-year-old, I was inexperienced and the first cock I ever laid eyes on was Alex’s. It was a side view, but I could see it well enough. Perhaps I should’ve been scared. I was anything but.

I stared, riveted as his buttocks clenched each time he thrust into her mouth. Good. God. The bad internet porn I’d watched had nothing on this.

I think my hand went to my mouth as that girl, a senior just like me, moaned greedily around his dick.
