Page 80 of The Savage Heir

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Imarched into the venue, knowing what I had to do. The question was whether I could pull it off in front of his entire family and clan. The reception wouldn’t end until after dawn, so I had time to approach Cat with my plan. I hoped to talk to her before she was carried off for her mock kidnapping to The Lounge, where we’d ply her with drinks until Luca came to win her back.

I immediately got waylaid by Cat’s mother, who ushered me into a room to have photos taken with the wedding party. Once that was done, she hustled everyone into the main hall, where we awaited the grand entrance of the couple. They were announced by Alex and Nina, who were the Nasi of Cat and Luca’s wedding, a strong couple who acted like godparents to a just-married couple. After a series of toasts by them, Cat and Luca threw their glass flutes, shattering them on the marble floor for good luck. Then everyone sat down and the procession of food began.

Cat had cautioned me that there would be several rounds of food since the reception would stretch late into the night. I finally managed to catch her as she left the dance floor and sidelined her into an alcove for a quick talk, where I revealed my plan. Not only did she give me her enthusiastic agreement, but she urged me to do it straightaway before I lost my nerve.

Anxious, I made my way through the throng of people toward the dais where the entire wedding party was sitting around tables arranged in a semicircle. Fidgeting with my hands, I stepped up to the platform and stopped directly in front of Nicu, where he was seated between Alex and Tasa. Jacket unbuttoned, he reclined back in his seat, one arm looped over Tasa’s chair. He resembled royalty, lounging on his throne, commanding and dominant. He must have run his fingers through his hair because it was a bit mussed in the front, giving him that slightly disheveled look I loved so much. Even with my nerves amped up, I ached for him.

He stared at me as I approached, eyes narrowing in focus, the aquamarine blue turning darker by the second.

Suddenly, the DJ silenced the music, probably at Cat’s signal. There was still a trickle of chatter, laughter, and clinking silverware, but the sound level fell off when I dropped to one knee in front of him.

Nicu’s eyes flared wide. The fork he was holding fell from his grip, clanging loudly in the near-silent hall, which suddenly felt unnaturally huge.

I swallowed hard and gazed up at him.

He leaned forward, his eyes penetrating deep into mine, like they always did. He was sifting through my soul, trying to figure out why I was on my knees in front of him.

In a voice that quavered slightly, I said, “When I close my eyes at night, I see only you. When I look into my heart, I see only you. When I think of my future, I see only you. And when I wake up every morning, I want to see only you. I know no one will ever hold my heart the way you do, Nicu.”

Taking a deep breath, I gave him a wobbly smile. “I ask you, Nicu Cornelius Lupu, would you be my love, my other half? Would you be my husband?”

Eyes ablaze, he stood up, pushing his chair back with a deafening screech that echoed in the complete silence of the crowded room. My heart lurched, pounding so hard I was sure it would beat its way out of my chest. I gulped down over the tightness in my throat. I was still an introvert and baring my soul in front of his family and clan was nerve-racking. Sweat trickled down my spine as I maintained my focus on him.

He skirted the long table and prowled toward me, moving like a sleek panther, in control of every muscle of his body. When he reached me, I had to crane my neck to meet his gaze.

He stared down on me with smoldering eyes, and declared, “If I say yes, you know what that means, right?”

He fell to his knees before me. His delicious scent wound around me like waves of incense curling out of an incense burner in church. I leaned in toward him, getting wet from the nearness of him, the heat of him radiating onto me.

“What?” I croaked out.

He let out a low growl. “It means I own every goddamn inch of this.” In front of everyone, he smacked my buttock. “It means I put a ring on it. It means you get fat in the middle from carrying my babies.”

He leaned in close, so close that I could see the indigo circle outlining the multi-faceted blue of his eyes. They bled regret. “I’m so fucking sorry, baby. I’m sorry I fumbled my proposal so badly that you had to step up to do it right.” He slid a hand around my throat and cupped it firmly. “But now that you have, you better be ready for everything, because I’m locking this down.”

His eyes inspected mine, moving right to left and back to center. His jaw tightened, a muscle popping like a heartbeat.

“Fuck, you’re wet for me,” he rasped out in a low tone only for my ears.

I bit my lower lip to prevent a needy moan from slipping out. Eyes glistening with budding tears, I nodded my head. I already knew I loved him, but like a stake to the heart, the realization struck me of just how much I was in love with him. I was bursting with an intense desire to consume him whole, to make him as much mine as I was his.

I asserted boldly, “I want it all, Nicu.” A loud rush roared in my eardrums. “A ring. A baby. Every morning, every day and night. I can’t take another day without you.” I took a deep breath and admitted, “I tried, you know. God knows how hard I tried, but I can’t take it anymore. I’m miserable without you, even more than when we’re arguing, and that’s saying something. It’s like the world is bleached of all its color without you. You did this to me, so you need to fix it.”

He curled his hand around the back of my head and brought me into him. “From now on, you’re mine, baby doll.” His mouth crashed down on mine possessively, and I felt like I was going to melt right into the floorboards.

Scooting closer to him, I wedged my body into the cove of his embrace. My nipples tightened to hard diamonds, begging for friction as I rubbed against his chest. He slanted his head, and his tongue, dirty and obscene, took everything I had to give.

I couldn’t see them, but I heard them. There was an eruption of sound as the room got to their feet, like in a standing ovation, clapping and whooping with cries of joy.

Without breaking our kiss, Nicu rose and pulled me to standing. When we finally stopped, he stepped back. Eyes on me, he took a knee and whipped out a black velvet box.

He has a ring for me.How could that be when he didn’t want to get married?

“I was a fool for letting you think for one second that you weren’t the center of my world. For so long, I didn’t care whether I got married or not. You’ve changed that. You’re everything for me. When I thought I lost my chance with you—” He shook his head, speechless. Swallowing hard, he continued, “I fucked up, and I knew if I ever got a redo, I’d be ready. I’ve been carrying this with me everywhere I go, waiting for a sign that you’ll forgive me, that you’re down with giving me another try. I know I don’t deserve it, but I’m so fucking grateful that you love me despite my stupidity.”

He snapped open the box, revealing an enormous yellow-diamond ring. The thin, delicate band lined with tiny white diamonds made the citrine-colored solitaire pop.
