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He asks for Cammie’s room number and name, then types away on his computer. “Perfect. Follow me this way.”

He guides us down a short hallway before turning right to go down another much longer section with doors on both sides of the wall. “You’ll be up here on the left, door number three.”

“Thank you so much,” I reply when he opens the room for us.

Inside, the walls are painted a seafoam green and there are three pedicure chairs on one wall. The other is covered with shelves holding all the needed supplies.

“Get comfy. Your expert beautifiers will be right in,” the receptionist says before closing the door behind him.

Cammie is still quiet when she sets her phone down and begins taking off her strappy heels.

I only have flipflops on, so I kick them off and set my purse next to me.

The soaker tubs are already filled with hot water and swirling from the jets like a mini hot tub, so I don’t hesitate to stick my feet in. Cammie follows my movements and leans her head back against the seat.

Her silence makes me think this next hour is going to be either incredibly awkward or it’s going to be exactly what she needs. I wanted to wait for the perfect opening to broach the sensitive subject about my history with Blake, but with how quiet she’s being, I worry if I wait too long, the moment will pass. So, I do what I do best when I’m nervous. I blurt the words out.

“I was engaged to Blake five years ago.” I look over at her to watch her expression, but it’s the complete opposite of what I expect.

She chuckles softly and smiles at me. “Of course you were.”

“I’m serious, Cammie. I don’t know why Blake told you we were friends. We’re not. Before first meeting you, I hadn’t seen him since the day I found out he was cheating on me.”

She sighs and folds her hands over her stomach. “You’re not telling me anything I didn’t already assume. Though, the engaged part does surprise me. Not because of you, but because of Blake.”

“Why did you want to hang out with me if you knew I was his ex?” I ask.

Her sad blue eyes meet mine again. “Because I wanted to meet the woman smart enough to get away from him.”

“What does that mean?” If Blake is hurting her, I’ll kill him with my bare hands and feed his corpse to the sharks. I’d do that for any woman being abused.

“Blake doesn’t love me, Ella. I don’t know the man you were engaged to, but I don’t think I married the same one. Blake only wanted me as his wife because of who my father is. He purposely got me pregnant, and I felt like I had no other choice. Now, Blake stands to take over my father’s investment firm in a few years, and I get to be the lowly wife at home who takes care of the children.”

Her fingers spread over her stomach. She isn’t showing, but I believe the sincerity in her soft tone.

“How did all of that happen?” I ask, even though it’s none of my business.

“I brought my dad lunch one afternoon and met Blake. He charmed me, sending flowers to my house that next day and begging for a date. I agreed, because what female wouldn’t, right? My father even approved. We dated for a month before things started to get weird. I tried to break things off, but he blamed his off-ness on stress from work. Two weeks later, I’m pregnant, even though we’d used a condom every time. That was six weeks ago.”

I gape at her. “You got married that quickly?”

“My father is a very traditional Southern man. The idea of a bastard grandchild didn’t sit well with him, and because Blake had kissed his ass so severely, my objections fell on deaf ears. I either complied or I would have found myself trying to figure out how to raise a child with no support. I couldn’t do that to this baby.”

My hands tighten on the arm of the chair, and I force my lips closed before I say something I have no business saying, like suggesting she murder Blake for what he did.

I don’t presume to understand how hard this situation is for her. I’m not a mother and I’ve never had controlling parents, but after a few deep breaths, I can see why she felt she had no other choice.

“I hope you intend to make his life hell,” I finally say with a small smile, trying to ease some of the anxiety floating around the room.

There’s a shimmer of tears in her eyes again. “You know, I didn’t think of that, but I’m sure there’s a few things I can do to make Blake regret targeting me.”

“Girl, you have all the power here. Don’t you forget that. While Blake’s off doing whatever or whoever he wants, you do the same. Find a way to make your own path and get the fuck away from those toxic people as soon as you can.”

A few tears fall down her cheeks. “Thank you, Ella.”

“You’re welcome. And, if you ever need it, don’t hesitate to reach out to me for help. I’m sure we don’t live too far from each other unless Blake moved away from Charlotte. That bastard doesn’t deserve to get everything he wants.”

She laughs through the tears. “No, he certainly doesn’t. At least you seem to have done better with your second choice in fiancé. Owen seems perfect for you.”
