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Natalie sways in her chair and falls into Mason. “I’m not feeling very well, Jack. I don’t think I can get up there. My body still feels like it’s on the yacht from yesterday.”

Her skin pales, and she covers her mouth before gagging. If she’s faking, she’s one hell of an actress.

“Natalie? Owen? Where are you two lovebirds? We’re ready for you,” the announcer says, searching the crowd with a hand over his brow.

Owen stands and grins at me. “I guess Ella will have to fill in for Natalie since the song is already queued up.”

Jack slides back roughly in his chair. “I’m sure they can swap the lineup to give Natalie a minute to feel better.”

I pat Jack’s shoulder with a smirk growing on my face. “That’s okay. I’ll go twice if I need to. Unless someone else would rather sing with Owen. I’m happy to give the spot up to any of you.”

I glance at all three men. Mason and Todd don’t meet my gaze, but Jack does while he reaches for his scotch.

He tips the glass toward me. “Have fun up there.”

As I take a step away, he mutters something under his breath that’s probably best I don’t hear while I circle around the table to meet Owen.

When Owen and I are standing in front of the microphone, I peek down at the machine to find Don’t Go Breaking My Heart as the song chosen. This would have been the last song I’d choose for a duet with Owen, but there’s no time to ask for a change when I hear the melody start up. I would never give Jack the satisfaction of watching me bow out.

Owen gives my hand a squeeze. “Ready?”

I nod, and he leans toward the microphone first. I’m pleasantly surprised when his voice isn’t terribly off key. Definitely deeper than Elton John, but at least I’m not cringing.

I move in next to him, so we can share the mic and sing the next line. My voice is scratchy, but nobody boos. Still, I attempt to clear my throat while Owen does his verse.

Both of our voices get better as we sing the words from the screen, and I don’t realize until it’s too late that Owen has his arm wrapped tightly around me. We turn toward each other while the lyrics leave our lips, and our gazes stay locked. The room fades away, and I can’t see anything other than him.

Now that Owens’s found his rhythm, I’m lost to his voice. It’s like a fucking angel. Deep, but smooth and packed full of unspoken words. Words I don’t want to hear or think.

I’m so distracted by him that I nearly miss my next line, but I belt the words off key just in time.

Owen doesn’t miss a beat and his eyes never leave mine while we finish the song. I don’t smile back. I hardly breathe. I don’t know what to do. I probably look and sound like an idiot as a meltdown builds inside me, but I don’t care one bit.

All I know is that as soon as the song finishes, I’m the first one off the stage. I don’t wait for Owen. I don’t go back to the table. I don’t say another word.

I head straight for the door, and I’m grateful to look back and see Owen waylaid by Jack. I might have thought I won this round with him, but the tables turned, and Jack’s triumphant grin tells me he’s fully aware of his success, even if it hadn’t come the way he planned.

I exit the club and, instead of heading to the beach or trying to convince Robert to give me another key, I head to the downstairs bar.

It’s time to drown my thoughts.
