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“Don’t you have books to read for work?” Ella asks pointedly.

“Maybe.” Piper grins. She’s started her new position as editor, but most of her job is virtual until the building she’ll be working in gets finalized. Unfortunately for Piper, she has no idea when that’s going to be, thanks to some permits not getting filed on time.

“So, does that sound like a way to spend your special day followed by dinner at Antonio’s?” I ask Ella when I finish making her a drink.

She nudges me with her hip and steals the glass from my hand. “Duh. I’ll get ready and we’ll head out to the trails for the morning and figure out the rest later.”

Ella has been outside, doing anything to get her heart rate pulsing every chance she’s had since we’ve been back, so it’s no surprise to hear that’s what she wants to do today instead of shopping or being pampered.

I lean in to give Ella another kiss, because I can’t get enough of her. “I just need to send an email to the board while you get ready.”

Kenzie is out of her seat, getting a pastry when she elbows me in the ribs. “You know, if there are any eligible bachelors at your work that aren’t d-bags like your old boss, I’m single and ready to mingle.”

I laugh. “Oh, Kenzie. I don’t think any of them could handle you.”

She grins. “Probably not, but just in case there’s one, don’t forget about your woman’s single and hot friends.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” I say, even though there’s not a chance in hell that I’d ever play matchmaker with Ella’s friends. That’s the kind of potential drama I don’t want in my life.

Though, ever since the board was able to get the information that they needed to fire Jack, things have been better. Apparently, they hadn’t needed me after all. Not when one of the IT guys was able to hack into Jack’s laptop and get the needed information.

Once that was all finalized, the board offered me the role of Marketing Vice President, and things have been a lot calmer in my work life. I didn’t think I would go back to what is now only called West-to-East, Inc., but Bill was relentless with his calls and offers.

So far, he and the other board members have followed through on every single promise they made to me, including getting rid of all the employees who favored the type of dealings that Jack preferred and hiring a new younger CEO who spends some of his summers volunteering in third world countries instead of harassing women. I hope he proves to be worth the wait for the growing company once he officially starts.

Ella finishes her drink and sets it on the counter before leaving the kitchen. “I’ll be back as quick as I can be.”

I smack her ass when her back is to me. “Don’t be long or I’ll have to come find you.”

She half-turns around and winks. “See you soon, then.”

Kenzie pretends to gag, and Piper is shaking her head when I glance at them. I thought Ella having such close friends would be an annoyance, but so far, they’ve only been supportive of me and my drive to make Ella happy.

Though, I won’t be sad when they find their own men—without my help—to keep them occupied a little more often, because having them here and in no hurry to leave when I really want to go give Ella a birthday fucking in the shower isn’t what I call fun.

Instead of feeling put out, I tell myself that I could be holed up in my office, alone and unhappy. That thought is enough of a reminder to have me smiling and more than grateful to be here in Ella’s house, being the lucky bastard who gets to take care of her on her special day.

And hopefully for many more days, weeks, months, and years to come.
