Page 12 of Perfect Love

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Ronan waited for the pretty dancer outside the women’s dressing room. He dropped his head back against the wall and shoved his hands into his pockets. The Snowers paid him millions to keep his eye on a three-inch puck going a hundred miles an hour across the ice. He rarely failed. Yet, here, he’d lost a whole freaking human. He’d turned away for half a second and the lovely blonde disappeared. Women usually waited for him, but his intriguing mermaid hadn’t.

Sure, she’d been a touch red-faced at the fish free-for-all, but she hadn’t had to leave the pier without him. The chase was stirring, but Ronan wanted to let her know he wasn’t that man, only wanting the unattainable. He was a stable guy who wanted a loving partner and a traditional home life. Didn’t most women like that?

He’d been thinking about his blonde since meeting her in the conference room. His body warmed at the heated images. He’d made a mistake that day too, treating her like she worked in the front office and was untouchable. She was a dancer. He could work their dating out with a simple HR disclosure. If the relationship failed, he wouldn’t be traded to a team across the country. He had to get out of his own way and not let his past smash this opportunity.

The door to the dressing room opened, and the blonde backed out. Ronan’s heart tripped like when he was a rookie, and he’d taken the ice at his first professional game. That sensation had been a mix of excitement, passion, and anxiety. He’d never had a meeting with a woman to rival it.

First, he saw her fan jersey, with his name on the shoulders, nice. His lips curled up. Ronan liked women who knew their own minds.

Next came a hint of her vanilla shampoo from her golden wet hair. He breathed in. Sight, smell, what other senses would she delight before the night was over? His body tightened like he’d never been this close to a woman. Wow, he had it bad. She’d gotten under his skin with her unusual combination of being extremely forward and unexpectedly evasive.

She was turning his way now. Each of her movements drove his pulse higher. Her creamy skin was flushed pink. He wanted to be the cause of her glow. She was like a female version of his favorite ice cream held out of reach on a hot Texas afternoon. Come closer.

The dance beats thrummed through him. Get her to leave with him. Stop, he had discipline, he could work this right. Get her name. Get her number.

She stopped. The door swung shut behind her. “Hi.” Her face pinkened further, and her light green eyes sparkled. She tugged her wet hair from the neckline of her jersey and smoothed the wet strands.

“Why, it’s my catch.” Ronan said, as if he were surprised to see her there, though it was obvious to them both that he’d been waiting for her.

She grinned, and the curve of her pretty lips showed a hint of her white teeth. “Sort of.”

True, she’d caught him more than he’d netted her. He wanted those lips and teeth on him tonight. Would he get that chance? Ronan took his hands from his pockets and loosened his stance. “What happens now?”

“You’re asking me?” Her voice squeaked on the last word. “I’ve never been here before.”

Sure, that’s cool, he had this. “I wanted to get your name, get your number, and give you mine, if you’re interested?” He knew she was.

His mermaid rattled off her digits with flattering speed.

Adorable. Ronan couldn’t help smiling. He took out his phone and sent her a quick text of a fishing pole emoji so she’d have his number. She grabbed her phone, checked the screen, and giggled, her tone melodic, surprised, and sincere. Ronan wanted to run his thumb over the curve of her bottom lip and touch the sound; instead, he hit enter to add her to his contacts with a mermaid emoji. He needed her name.

Kiernan popped over from down the hallway, his mischievous teal eyes bright and locked onto the mermaid. “Hey, Cal-pal.”

She shook her head at the nickname.

Ronan’s chest tightened. “You know each other?” Ronan kept the question on an even note. Past was past, but he didn’t love the eager glint in Kiernan’s eyes. That boded trouble on and off the ice.

Kiernan looked at him like he was an idiot.

Ronan’s shoulders tensed.

Kiernan shifted his gaze back to the gorgeous blonde. “Cal-fish?” Kiernan kept trying with the nicknames.

Women found that crap charming. Ronan wasn’t a woman. He breathed in deep. She was his catch.

His mermaid pursed her lips and shrugged. “Just Calista.” Her voice was quiet.

Kiernan raised his hand and snapped his fingers. “Cal-owner?”
