Page 29 of Perfect Love

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Ronan froze, and until then she hadn’t realized he’d been in motion. “How old are you?”

“Twenty-four. Two weeks ago.”

His expression eased. “Happy belated birthday. I turned twenty-seven in November.”

She already knew that. Was he biding time until the guys skated over and threw questions at her like she was the team spokesperson? Nope. Was he wanting to criticize her favorite jersey again? He could try. She was learning to separate the man from the player. “I can’t be late.”

“Right.” Ronan smiled readily. His charisma that had won him the captainship full-on display. “How about I swing by campus after practice? Drop me a pin, we’ll get coffee.”

Her stress eased. Everything about that sounded perfect. “Okay.”

* * *

Calista yawned. She wanted to leave class early and meet Ronan before she became too tired to be an engaging coffee partner. Conversation wasn’t her strong suit at the best times. Leaving early was so not her either. Ditch class for a guy? This was a special class though, and no denying Ronan was an incredible man among men.

Speaking of men, Artie was showing progress. His tangled wires and metal scraps were taking the shape of a robot. His transparent tube was now shaped like a slender arm tipped with fingernails painted dark red. Following up from there, the tan rubber skin had a bendable elbow and ended at a partial shoulder balanced above a pair of wheels. The way he’d balanced the tube, the arm stuck straight out, with the fingers about three inches from the floor. He revved the wheels and the fingers shook.

“Wheels?” Vivien looked up from her laptop. “I don’t think you know how human anatomy works. I can find a website to show you.”

“Don’t offer a man stuff like that, he’ll misconstrue your intentions.” Olivia’s voice strangled off, and her eyes widened. She was staring at the door.

Calista followed her gaze and swiveled around.

Ronan had joined them.

Her heart thumped.

Ronan was leaning against the door frame, with one foot crossed over the other, taking in their group.

No guy had ever looked that sexy and imposing. He was larger than life, hardened muscle and talent. Her senses came alert. He was magnificent.

How did they seem to him? Did they appear normal? Calista tucked her hair behind her ears and did a quick intro for Artie who he hadn’t met.

Artie kept his gaze on his robot’s arm.

“Hey.” Ronan greeted him in a friendly voice. His being in her real world shook her, like a fantasy becoming real. Or, more likely, as if she’d disappeared inside of one of her daydreams. She squeezed the strap on her backpack to ground herself.

Ronan arched one eyebrow. “I know I’m early, does coffee still work for you?”

Calista nodded and shouldered her backpack. She moved toward Ronan without looking at her friends and with zero thought of making him wait. No one should ever make him wait.

Suddenly, there was a whirring noise and something cold and immovable wrapped around Calista’s ankle. She stumbled.

Ronan reached for her and she clasped his arm. Light crisp hair, solid muscle, zero give.

Calista steadied herself.

Ronan didn’t even jolt at the weight of her. He was crazy stable. Her clumsy trip hadn’t thrown him off at all. Hockey players had the best balance of all men in the world, and his was the best of the best.

Her gaze dropped to what had stopped her progress to the exit.

