Page 67 of Perfect Love

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“Okay.” Calista sat still.

Ronan released his seatbelt. The night was dark except for streetlights and the neon glow from the bar across the street. The music from the radio played a love ballad.

What was he going to do? Would she get a goodnight kiss? Calista parted her lips.

Ronan leaned over, caressed her cheek and kissed her, a slow, sexy kiss she was helpless to do anything but respond to and enjoy. And relaxed languor overcame her muscles. When he gripped her thigh, her energy flipped from tranquil and satisfied to needy. Calista leaned into him, but the seatbelt restricted her.

Ronan looked into her eyes, his blue ones dark, sexy, and sincere. “I couldn’t stop thinking of touching you on the drive over. Have to feel you.” He traced his finger over the center seam of her shorts.

Electricity flashed through her. “Oh.” Calista made a strangled sound and bit her lip at the startling sexy power he had over her body.

Ronan made a pleased murmur. He traced his hand down to her knee, up over her thigh and into the loose stretch leg of her shorts, and under her panties.

Calista squirmed.

Using two fingers, Ronan nudged his way inside her, adding a satisfying pressure.

Calista dropped her head back, lips parting, and grabbed his biceps, squeezing encouragingly. With his free hand, he reached under her shirt and palmed her breast.

Fingers pumping, palm circling, breath coming faster. Calista sought his mouth, and he gave her what she wanted. The fairy lights blew up inside her in white flashes, and she pulled her head back to gasp as she came. “Magic.”

Ronan slowly withdrew his fingers, damp against the skin of her thigh. “Look at me.”

Calista forced her eyes open.

“We can’t keep doing this, us, you get that, right?”

What? Stop? Where’d that come from? Calista stared at him. Vulnerable, hot and cold flashed over her skin. She disagreed on a thousand levels but didn’t know how to put her objections into words. If she opened her mouth, it would be to tell him to unbutton his jeans, slide the zipper down and pull her onto his lap, that’s what she wanted. His skilled fingers had rocked her, he moved her. Didn’t he feel the same? She touched her tongue to her lower lip. He couldn’t yank her from one realm to another and expect her to be coherent, and if he wanted her to choose between cold practicality or golden flickering delight, well, she knew where she’d land.

“The way you look at me.” Ronan moaned, leaned down, and kissed her with a long, hot, wet kiss. He drew back. “I need you to say it.”

Say it? Her brain was fuzzy. Calista couldn’t even get the seat belt off or the melted muscles in her legs to work. Say it? “I want on your lap, you inside me.”

Ronan’s jaw dropped open. He froze, but his chest rose and fell as if he’d circled the rink for hours. Then he moved. He unclicked her seatbelt. The soft pop was oddly erotic in the quiet of the night. He cupped the back of her thigh with his big strong hand and curved her leg toward him.

The side of a fist banged on the driver’s window. Ronan let go as if she were volcanic, and Calista fell back into her seat.

A player in a Snowers ballcap stood outside.


The rookie held up a beer and stumbled sideways. Syrup dripped from the brim of his cap to the ground, he was covered in the goo.

Ronan turned off the radio and rolled down his window.

Saxon pointed to the building behind them. “Kiernan paid that bar a shit ton to turn the slide into a beer funnel. It’s happening.”

In time with his words, floodlights lit the parking lot and strobed on, highlighting the slide. Saxon blinked and wobbled. “Join in.” Workers wheeled kegs toward the slide. “I told them I can lift the keg to the top. Give me a hand, man.”

Ronan gave him a thumbs up. “Give me a minute, buddy.”

Saxon nodded, but the motion made him stumble. He reached out to brace his palm on the vehicle, every move from this star athlete a concerted effort.

Calista rubbed her temple, her brain working again, though her body hadn’t quit throbbing. Why had Ronan said they had to stop? He wanted her.

This was spinning out of control for him too. Why not choose her and damn the consequences? Her heart thrummed as wildly as her thoughts.
