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Ash replied by stroking Cael and bringing their mouths together. When the voice in his head tried to speak up, Ash filled his senses with Cael. He drew on every unsteady breath, every whimper and moan Cael released. Using Cael’s precome to lube him up, Ash gently pulled and stroked. He thought about what had always felt good for him, listened to the cues Cael gave him, changed things up in the hopes of pleasing Cael. Ash’s lips demanded more of Cael, and he deepened their kiss to a frenzy of desperate sucking and dueling tongues. He reveled in the way Cael squirmed and gasped, in how he clung to Ash, nails digging into his skin as he thrust into Ash’s hand, frantic for release.

“Ash, please. Faster.”

Ash obliged, pumping Cael’s hard dick. He slipped his leg between Cael’s, bringing their bodies closer together. He bit down gently on Cael’s neck and sucked until he’d left a small blemish. “That’s it, sweetheart. Come for me. I want to see your beautiful face when you come.”

Cael’s gasp was swiftly followed by a quick succession of swear words and moans as he came. His movements grew erratic as he released himself, his plump lips parted in ecstasy. He thrust against Ash’s hand until he let out a hiss at his own sensitivity. Ash couldn’t take his eyes off Cael’s mouth, how his lips were still parted as he tried to catch his breath. Unable to resist the temptation, Ash ran his thumb over Cael’s bottom lip before leaning in to kiss him. They kissed for what seemed like ages, until sleep came for them.

Ash pulled Cael into his embrace, unwilling to think of anything other than the amazing younger man in his arms. He couldn’t think of a time when he’d felt more at peace or happy than right here, right now. There had to be a way for him to hold on to this, because as Cael fell asleep in his arms, Ash knew letting him slip away would be the greatest tragedy of all.

Chapter 8

IT WAS hard to believe another year was about to end.

The team decided to take Bradley up on his offer of ringing in the New Year at Dekatria. The place was packed, but then so were most places on New Year’s Eve. Since they weren’t officially taking any cases, they were assigned to work the day shift, leaving them free in the evening to celebrate. They’d all shared cabs over, knowing they’d be drinking, except maybe for Sloane, who wasn’t taking any chances considering his recent problems with shifting.

Cael had hoped what happened Christmas Eve was the start of something for him and Ash, but things were still slow going between them, and Ash had yet to bring up anything official. On the one hand, Ash had grown more comfortable showing Cael affection in front of his family and Sloane. Christmas Day had been wonderful, with Ash hanging around the house with him, teasing him, kissing him in front of whoever was around. They’d watched movies, had Christmas dinner, exchanged gifts, laughed, and eaten some more. Whenever Cael sat down, Ash had pulled him close against him and in some cases playfully grabbed him as he walked by and pulled him onto his lap. Dex, Sloane, and Tony had been surprised, but they quickly moved on as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

They’d arrived at Dekatria a few hours ago. Cael had danced with Rosa and her girlfriend, while Letty busted some serious moves with Dimples the firefighter. Man, they really needed to learn the guy’s name. Ash had been sweet but maintained his distance. This was the first time they’d been out in a social setting since their night together Christmas Eve. They’d been drinking and chatting by one of the pillar tables when they heard it.

“Oh my God! Ash?”

“Yeah?” Ash turned in time to catch a blur of glittering, shrieking sequins that launched itself into his arms. Apparently there was a busty brunette underneath all those sequins.

Cael stood stunned as the woman smeared her bright pink lipstick all over Ash’s mouth. Seeming to get a grasp on the situation, Ash swiftly placed her on her feet and wiped the lipstick from his mouth.

“Jesus, what the fuck, Hanna?”

Hanna giggled and slapped his arm playfully. “You used to love it when I jumped on you. Of course, we were both naked at the time. I tried calling you, but you never answered my calls.” She pressed herself up against him and ran a finger down his arm, a pout on her face. “Where have you been? I missed you. We used to have so much fun together.”

“I’ve been a little busy.” Ash moved her hand off his arm and took a step to the side, looking incredibly uncomfortable. That made two of them. Hanna was either oblivious to Ash’s less than subtle gestures or was purposefully ignoring them. Cael took another sip of his vodka and lemonade.

“Are you busy tonight?” she purred, drawing circles on his chest with her finger.

Ash frowned at her. “Yes. I’m here with my team.”

“What’s the matter? You would have had me up against the bathroom stall by now.”

Oh come on. Really? Cael cleared his throat, and Hanna blinked at him as if noticing him for the first time, which was likely the case. Did the woman go around sexually accosting all her exes? Why would she assume Ash was willing and able?

“Well, aren’t you adorable.” She turned her attention back to Ash with a wide smile. “Who’s your little friend?”

Ash ran a hand over his hair. “Um, this is Agent Cael Maddock. He’s on my team.”

Wow. Not even friend. He’d been relegated to teammate. Cael managed to summon a smile. “Hi.” He didn’t bother extending a hand, seeing as how Hanna was back to fondling Ash, and Ash was doing absolutely fuck all about it. Despite the music thumping through the place, Cael would guess Ash could hear his teeth grinding, because he once again removed Hanna from his person.

“Look, Hanna, I’m with someone.”

Cael’s pulse picked up speed, and the butterflies in his stomach went crazy. His cheeks grew warm, and he bit his bottom lip. Was Ash actually going to say it?

Hanna gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. “Oh my God. I’m so sorry. I’m such an idiot. Of course you have a girlfriend. I shouldn’t have assumed. So who’s the lucky lady?”

Ash’s gaze dropped to his feet, and he shoved his hands in his pockets. “Um… no one you know.”

The remark hit Cael harder than a slap in the face. He’d never felt more vulnerable, wounded, and mortified, despite being the only one privy to Ash’s brush-off.

“Why so secretive?” Hanna prodded. “Come on, tell me all about her.”

