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"I'm not entirely certain what makes me look British. Either way, I apologize."

"For what? Being British? Stop apologizing and tell me what's going on in that overactive brain of yours."

Hudson nodded. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about him, and... what I asked of you."

Dex didn't need to be told which him Hudson was referring to. "Have you talked to him?"

"No." Hudson sighed. "It's frustrating. Sometimes I think he was only placating me, and just when I believe he's gone for good, I catch his scent. I keep waiting for him to appear, but he never does."

Dex couldn't believe he was about to delve into this, but he would. For Hudson. "He's not really your average guy. I'm sure he's got a reason for not showing up." Who the hell knew why Wolf did anything? "He doesn't seem like the type to shy away from a situation. Maybe you're the exception. You are his brother, after all." Dex thought about everything Wolf had said to Hudson and everything he'd done to protect his brother, including coming out of the shadows and exposing himself. "He cares about you."

Hudson swallowed hard. "You think so?"

"Why else would he risk his life to protect you?"

Hudson shrugged. "I'm having a hard time reconciling Alfie and Wolf. There's so little of my brother left, if anything at all. I mean...." Hudson's eyes became glassy when he met Dex's gaze. "He tortured you, Dex."

Yep. That he did.

"And yet, I had the audacity to ask you and Sloane not to hurt him."

Dex held up a finger. "Actually, you asked us not to kill him. Hurting is still on the table."

Hudson's lips twitched into a small smile. "Right." His smile faded. "What you both must think of me." He averted his gaze, and Dex ducked his head so Hudson would look at him.

"What we think is that after years of thinking your brother was dead, it turned out that he was very much alive. You have questions, and you deserve the answers to those questions. Who are we to take that from you? You're like family, Hudson. Whatever you need, you know I will do my damned best to make sure you get it."

Hudson nodded as he clearly tried not to get emotional. His sweet smile was all Dex needed to know he'd made the right choice where Wolf was concerned. At least for the time being. Hudson needed to know, and Dex would be lying if he said he wasn't curious. How had Alfie survived? The biggest question, however, was when did Alfie become Wolf?

Cael came bounding over, his cheeks rosy and the tip of his nose pink from the alcohol. "Hudson, it's time!"

Hudson jumped up and faced Dex. "We have a surprise for you."

"What kind of surprise?" Dex asked, laughing when Cael grabbed one arm and Hudson the other. They pulled him to his feet.

"You're going to love it," Cael assured him, winking. "Believe me."

"Well, then, bring it on."

Chapter 3

CAEL WHOOPED, and with a chuckle, Dex followed him and Hudson, wondering what they had planned. At the end of the club were several closed doors. Before Dex could ask what was going on, Cael opened one of the doors and shoved him into what looked like a private room with two windows, the deep curtains drawn. The door closed behind him, and he looked around. It was lavishly decorated to match the rest of the club, with tufted purple seating running along three walls.

Dex took a seat in the middle so he was directly across from the door. He dropped his gaze to the large, gleaming, round plinth in the center of the floor. It was a small stage, and Dex had a pretty good idea what the stage was for.

The lid of the platform was actually two doors, and when the music in the room started to build, and the CO2 smoke began to rise around the stage, the platform doors slid open. A black cowboy hat slowly came into view, and Dex arched an eyebrow. He sat back against the cushions and crossed his arms over his chest. Was this really about to happen? Why would his brother get him a stripper? Cael knew him better than that. Dex had no interest in having some sweaty dude gyrating all over him, unless that sweaty dude was his sexy jaguar Therian soon-to-be husband.

Tan broad shoulders came into view, followed by a muscular back. Dex allowed his gaze to travel down the sinful curve of the man's spine before he settled his eyes on a sweet rounded ass encased in black denim. Black leather chaps hugged long powerful legs, and the black cowboy boots had Dex unfolding his arms. He placed his hands on his thighs and took in every inch of sleek, solid muscle.

Fuck. He'd never seen anything so hot.

Dex adjusted himself, then flexed his fingers, itching to touch. God, the man's arms alone made his mouth water. "You know, I'm about to be a married man," Dex said, his voice low and husky.

"Lucky guy." The gruff, low growl dripped with sex, and it sent a shiver through Dex. If he wasn't careful, he was going to come in his pants before the show even started, and this he had to see.

"Yeah?" Dex sat back against the cushions and spread his knees, heat flaring through him. He fought not to launch himself at the stage and lick the man from head to toe.

With a sinful look at Dex over his shoulder, his cowboy smiled, amber eyes blazing with lust. "Oh yeah."
