Page 67 of Fall of a King

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“Will you marry me?”

Evi gasped and released a little squeal. The dog lady grinned, looking between the both of them. Briar’s mouth opened and then shut again. Were those tears in her eyes?

“Yes, Royce, I will marry you.”

She held out her hand—it shook a little—for him, and Royce slid the ring onto her ring finger. It fit perfectly. Looking away from Briar’s hand and back to her face, Royce saw a tear slip down her cheek.

“Was it that bad? Should I have gone down on one knee? Was it the muddy parking lot?”

Briar threw her arms around Royce, pressing her lips to his. He wrapped his arms around her and fell easily into the kiss. He always wanted more.

Caleb cleared his throat, and Royce reluctantly pulled away.

“Does this mean we can keep them?” Briar asked far too innocently. She must’ve known there had never been a question.

Royce quoted one of his favorite Starsky lines. “‘If this was a cowboy movie, I’d give you my boots.’”

“A ring is perfect.”

“Alright,” Caleb interjected. “We’re not standing out here all afternoon listening to Royce do Starsky and Hutch quotes. You take the dogs home, Evi and I’ll go in and pick up the massive amounts of food we ordered and bring it back to your place. But I’m not the one telling Raine you already popped the question.”

Briar snorted and rolled her eyes, “Raine’s probably too busy torturing Topher to notice.”
