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A light knock echoed on the front door. I looked at my watch—exactly one hour. I grinned and threw my pack over my shoulder. I might be terrified out of my ever-loving mind, but I couldn’t wait to see Logan’s face again. It would be a bonus I needed to keep a close eye on him until he was safe again.

I rushed to the door and opened it with a wide grin.

“You are extremely on time,” I joked.

I locked the door behind me. Expecting to hear a sarcastic comment from Logan, I peered over my shoulder. His vibrant green eyes only amped up my adrenaline. They were intoxicating to stare at. An eyebrow arched in surprise as his gaze lingered on my face. Then his eyes flicked over my legs and back up. He frowned, his eyes landing on my face.

Crap, did I not zip my pants?

Quickly, I glanced down at my pants, checking for holes and undone zippers. Then I peered back at him. I looked back down at my shirt to make sure it wasn’t inside out, or, worse, that I had forgotten one.

Nope. It was on the right way, and void of any stains.

I wiped at my mouth, where his eyes had skimmed.

“What?” I said.

Please don’t say you are going to leave me. I can’t let you go alone. I just can’t. I will perform ugly amounts of begging if you’ve changed your mind.

I met his green eyes full-on.

“You look beautiful,” he said hoarsely before extending his arm out. “I thought you might be bruised, and hurt, and I don’t know, not perfectly okay. How is it possible you look so unbelievably good right now?”

Uh oh.
