Page 13 of Something Borrowed

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Chapter Eight



I’ve spent the entire evening pretending Reef wasn’t in the room shooting me looks with those evil blue eyes of his. did I not know this was going to hurt - it does hurt - even if I am pretending it doesn’t. I'm so fucked. How did I fuck up my first time having sex so spectacularly? Who is stupid enough to think first-time sex meant forever to anyone else but the poor, pathetic virgin? I can’t even write about this shit anymore. This is going to take massive therapy to get over and here I am grinning at my sisters like I’m an idiot.

To start with I was just sad and depressed but now I’m mad. He might not care who becomes his rebound lay but that’s not what I wanted my first time to be. If I had known I sure as fuck wouldn’t have gladly fallen in bed with him like I did….would I?

Peirce stands up as everyone at the table quietens down. A hush falls over the entire restaurant because everyone knows us. “I don’t want to take away anything from the bride and groom tonight but I also can’t hold it in any longer.” He turns to look at Willa who is blushing like…well, me.

“Wilhelmina Rachel James,” He goes down on one knee and every girl at the table holds her breath. Willa gasps and tears come to her eyes. “Will you do me the honor of taking my hand in marriage and my heart for life?”

There’s a collective ‘ahh’ that fills the whole restaurant. And everyone waits to hear what Willa says next. She lets out a squeal and jumps for Peirce. She whispers her ‘yes’ but because the whole room is hanging on every second of this, everyone hears. They kiss and Peirce wraps her in his arms. I can’t stop my eyes from drifting to Reef. And find him staring right back at me. I can’t take anymore. I need a break.

I fight the smile curving my lips when I think about Willa finally meeting her 'One' even though I have to fight back tears at my own predicament. Payton has hers. Now Willa. Hadden will find Mr. Right next and it will be a firm fact that I am going to be the old maid out of my sisters. The sister who lives alone and has a house full of cats and home shopping items since all of my younger sisters have found love before me.

I can't be too bitter about it. I'm too happy for them to be bitter. I'm just also sad about it for me and my heart feels like it is opened and bleeding inside my chest. Before I make it to the bathroom, Payton comes up behind me and grabs me by the arm pulling me off to the side where a little private dining room is situated. There is a bench seat with overstuffed cushions on it and both of us go there. I thought she was sending me signals all night for some reason.

"So," Payton seems excited about whatever it is. I give her hand a squeeze and tilt my mouth up in a bright smile. I won’t let anything ruin this weekend for her - not even my broken heart. Even if it does hurt so badly I don’t know how I’m going to go on after this. "I wanted you to be the first one to know -well, besides me and Ford of course. I'm pregnant."

Her words have the smile melting off my face and the little room spinning as bad as the inn room spun the morning after I woke up naked in Reef’s bed. Oh! My! God! I grab onto Payton but she can't help me. No one can.

Payton stands up but doesn't let my hand go, "Willa! Willa!"

She must yell loud enough that everyone can hear because Willa pops her head through the door and sees me freaking out. "Go find Reef."

I'm not sure who she's talking to, but hearing Willa say that name just makes me freak out all the more. It's a full-on panic attack now. I try to gasp for breath but very little gets in my lungs it seems. I bring my hand to my throat but that doesn't do any good either. I am good and fucked and not a soul can help me now.
