Page 5 of Something Blue

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Chapter Four



I roll over and throw my arm out. Normally it would be hanging off the little twin bed I sleep on in the studio apartment I live in over my mom and dad's garage. This time though, my hand is still on the bed. I slowly open my eyes to a room that’s not mine.

Memories flood my mind of the night before. Sebastian putting me into a car, driving me home, me not being able to tell him where I live. Oh fuck, I was really fucking out of it. Not enough to forget the kiss though.

I push the thought out of my head. God, there is so much to worry about where that hot mess is concerned. What if I sucked? What if he could tell how awful I was, and he didn't want me trying to shove my tongue down his throat? How long did it last? I can't remember.

I remember that I liked it. That the man had the softest lips I’ve ever touched and tasted like something I could get lost in for days. I pull the covers back and note that I'm still in my bra and panties. Is that a good thing or...I guess it's better than waking up in nothing at all? I sit on the bed and wait for the room to stop spinning for a second before a shrill sound jerks all my attention over to it.

Fucking hell, is that my phone? When did it get so loud? And why do I have such an annoying ringtone? I start shuffling around looking for the damned thing. In the process, I find my clothes from last night laying on the floor as well. My purse is sitting in a chair to the right of the French doors that lead out onto a patio that ends with sand and sea. Damn, the kid did well for himself finding a nice place to live.

I jump when the damned phone starts ringing again. When I wrestle it out of the bag and answer I know automatically who it is. Willa.

"So, a little birdie told me that our sweet baby sister went home with the sheriff last night. And hasn't left yet."

Baby sister? Sheriff? Oh shit! Hadden! I was supposed to keep an eye on her.

"Um," I pick my clothes up off the floor and start working them back on. "Hadden went home with Dirk?"

"Yeah. You think know?" Her words hit me hard for some reason.

"Great, all of my sisters went home with men and I woke up to an empty room in a stranger's house."


Time for a diversion, "I'm pretty sure Teddy is going to try to get ahold of you soon and I wouldn't be surprised if it's over your friend Reef. I think she thinks you all are an item."

"Oh gross. Not that Reef isn't hot but not for me." I hear someone talking behind her. "Chill out for a minute I'm talking to my sister." She says it absent-mindedly like she’s not really paying attention to what is going on in the background.

"So let's get back to you waking up in a stranger's house this morning? Did all of the James sisters get lucky last night?"

"Did they?" I pose the question right back to her. She didn't say anything about herself in her little gossip fest.

"Who's the stranger, Charlie? Do we know him?"

"Sebastian," I whisper the name afraid that saying it will call him forth - like he's some demon or something. I sneak out of the room and through the house heading straight for the door.


"Sebastian," I say it a little louder as I make my way down the street and to the little apartment I have over mom and dad's garage. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I promised mom I would help her in the shop today. I'm letting everyone down and I'm not setting a very good example for my little sisters.

"Oh shit, you got with the hot new guy." More noise in the background. "I can call another man hot if I want to. It doesn't mean I want to do anything with them, damn it. You need to chill with the caveman bullshit." She must place her hand over the phone or put me on mute or something because the next couple of seconds are muffled before she gets back on to me. Who’s she with I wonder?

"So how was it?" How was it? The question tumbles over in my head chasing me down the street until I can unlock my door and slam it shut.

I lean against the door feeling somewhat better that I didn't get caught making a walk of shame across the entire fucking town, "I don't know. I can't remember."

"Oh!" Willa sounds disappointed. Is she disappointed with me or the fact I can't remember if the sex was good?

I spend a little while longer on the phone talking to her before I rush out the door. I got ready for the day while I was on the phone with Willa. By the time I hit the door to my mom's store I am back in control and ready to take whatever fallout I have to for being so reckless. Mom doesn't say a word about last night so either she hasn't heard the inevitable rumors or she is waiting for me to say something about it. I'm in the store for no more than an hour and a half before the door jingles and the man from last night comes in the store.

Oh shit! I shoot a look over to mom whose eyebrows are arched high. "Hi."

"Hi, um...can you give me just a second?" Before he answers me I'm stepping over to mom. "Can I have a few minutes?"
