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Daisy had been helping River run from the police over a crime he’d committed back in Perth. At the time, she’d thought he was innocent. But River had spent time in jail for his crimes after the law finally caught up with him. Dale had helped Daisy, even though he was unsure of the truth, much as Wazza was helping Kee now. Which was why Wazza knew Daisy would understand. But River was out of jail and, according to Daisy, on the path to redemption. Wazza still viewed him with suspicion.

“It seems we have a little mystery here,” Daniella continued, after everyone had acknowledged River. “I’d like to introduce you to Kee and her daughter, Benni.” Daniella inclined her head in their direction. “Daisy arrived half an hour ago with these two in tow, and…”

Daniella’s words trailed off as Wazza stood, hands splayed on the table for support.

His gaze sought out Skylar, sitting to the left of her mother. “Before we go any farther, Skylar, you may want to leave.”

“What? Why?” Her blue eyes flashed with surprise.

Wazza gritted his teeth. He hated to do this, but it was the only way to keep Kee safe. “Because Nash can’t know about this.”

Skylar narrowed her eyes at him, her lips going thin, as realization hit her. If Wazza didn’t want the police involved, then there was something decidedly shady going on.

“I mean, you can stay if you want to. But you can’t tell Nash what was said in here.”

Skylar considered him for many long moments as a hush descended over the table, while she considered how much of a compromise she was prepared to make.

“No, you’re right, Wazza,” she said, putting her hands on the table and rising from her chair. “I don’t keep secrets from Nash, and I don’t need to hear anything that’d compromise Nash’s job, either.” She glowered at Wazza; Skylar didn’t take kindly to not being in full control. She was a perfectionist in the kitchen, and in her own life, as well. Although, being with Nash had begun to soften her hard edges. Skylar’s gaze flicked to Kee and her daughter and rested there, her mouth forming a speculative quirk.

“It seems these two have one helluva story to tell. But if you really don’t want Nash involved, then I guess I have no choice. I’m sure Bindi probably needs my help in the kitchen, anyway.” Skylar opened the door, her long, blonde braid slung down her back, shoulders tight with indignation. “It just so happens that Nash is out of town for the next few days, on a training course in Brisbane. But do let me know what story you’ve concocted, because I’ll need to tell him something about the strange woman and her child who’ve been staying at Daisy’s house when he returns. He will find out the truth eventually, you know.” She speared him with her sapphire gaze, and a stab of guilt roiled in his stomach. But he was prepared to deal with Nash’s reproach later, as long as Kee and Benni were safely out of harm’s way by then. With one last look at Wazza, Skylar shut the door quietly behind her.

Wazza breathed out the sigh of relief. He hadn’t been sure which way Skylar was going to go. And he still wasn’t sure if they could keep the truth away from Nash. But they now had some breathing room.

“Sorry, boss,” he apologized in advance for what he was about to say next, but this needed to be sorted out now, before things went any further. “But if Kee is to tell you the truth, I need everyone else to agree not to mention this to Nash, or Constable Willow. If you can’t agree, then I need to take Kee and her daughter out of here, right now.” Wazza could hardly believe he was standing there, demanding that his boss and the rest of the family and staff keep this from the police.

“How much trouble is she in?” Daniella was the first to speak. “Has she murdered someone? Can we all go to jail as accessories for aiding and abetting a murderer?”

It was a fair question.

Just as Wazza was about to answer, Kee rose from her chair. “Thank you, Wazza. But I’d like to speak for myself.” She kept her chin up, dark eyes fixed on him, as if drawing courage from him. “No, I haven’t murdered anyone. But I do believe there is a warrant out for my arrest, however, I’m not completely sure, because I don’t know how these things work. But that’s only part of the issue. My fear is that the police will betray me to my true enemy.”

Benni stirred beside Kee, and she placed a protective hand on her child’s head, stroking her hair in an unconscious bid to calm her. What did Benni think of all this? How much did she understand? Kee had told him that Benni didn’t know her father was in jail, and that this trip north was merely an adventure.

“Are you saying you think there’s corruption in the police force? Surely, you’re not implying that Nash is dishonest?” Dale said, the scorn evident in his tone.

“No, she’s not implying that Nash is in any way unethical,” Wazza butted in. “Nash is the most honorable man we know. But this is complicated. And if he found out Kee and her daughter were here, he’d be duty-bound to report it, and others in the force who are less scrupulous may share that information. We don’t need to put him in that position.”

Daisy lay a hand over Dale’s, stopping his fingers tapping on the tabletop. “None of us would willingly ask Nash to compromise his job,” she said. “So, I can see why this is so hard for you.” She looked pointedly at Wazza. “But I, for one, would like to hear her story. I’m staying.” Daisy’s brown eyes fell on Kee’s face and Wazza could see the compassion she had for the other woman. “It seems the outstation is becoming a bit of a sanctuary for lost souls,” she added quietly, almost as if to herself.

Dale added his agreement with a nod of his head, although there was a twist to his mouth that said he wasn’t completely happy with the situation. Wazza knew Dale and Nash had become close friends; he obviously didn’t want to betray that friendship. But his love for Daisy was far stronger and Dale would also understand the connection she felt to a fellow woman in need.

Daisy skewered River with her gaze, and he held up his hands in surrender.

“You know me, sis,” he said. “I ain’t got no love for the coppers. I won’t spill a word.”

She nodded her consent and then returned her gaze to Wazza, happy that River would also hold his tongue.

Neither Daniella nor Steve had uttered a word during this exchange, but now Daniella gave a large sigh. Her eyes fell on the little girl sitting next to Kee and something in her face softened. Wazza sympathized with Daniella, no one with a heart beating in their chest could resist those liquid brown eyes, filled with such innocence.

“You know I don’t like…secrets. And I certainly don’t condone lying to the police. But where need necessitates, I’m willing to make an exception.”

Steve looked from his wife, to Benni, and back again. “I’m not sure I like this position you’ve put us in, Warwick.”

Wazza winced. There was his full name again.

“But I’ll go along with it for the child’s sake, for now. As long as you can promise me there will be no danger to any of us, or to the station.”

“No, it’s us they’re after. Bruno won’t bother any of you,” Kee said, then sat back as if she might’ve said too much.
