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WAZZA STOOD AT the corner of the cabin and watched Kee as she sat on the veranda, head tilted backward, contemplating the stars hovering above in the night sky. It was nearly ten o’clock. Dinner service was long over, and Wazza had been headed to bed. But his feet had other ideas, and he found himself stalking towards cabin three, instead.

Should he just leave her be? He was conflicted about his feelings for Kee. She’d treated him like it was his fault that Benni had gone missing this afternoon. Which was unfair and upsetting, and made him want to demand an apology, because he’d been right all along. She was safe with the puppies. But he’d also hated the fact she’d stormed off, still angry and upset. Because she had every right; she was Benni’s mother, and of course she was worried sick about her. He knew he’d probably come across as unconcerned and perhaps even flippant, but that wasn’t the case. He’d merely been trying to soothe her fears. While inside, his guts had churned like a cement mixer, his palms slippery with sweat. Because Benni was important to him. Very important. As was Kee.

He cleared his throat to warn her of his approach and stepped around the corner into the light cast from the porch lamp.

“Evening,” he said, a little more gruffly than he intended. “I just wanted to check you were okay before I went to bed.”

“Wazza.” Kee leapt out of her chair and was halfway across the porch before she stopped. “I’m glad you came,” she said after a second’s hesitation. “Will you come and join me for a few moments? I have something to say.”

Removing his hat, he climbed the two steps and took the chair opposite to the one Kee had been sitting in. She sat also. The sound of frogs from the billabong and night insects chirping filled the air as an awkward silence grew between them. Moths beat their wings fruitlessly at the lamp above their heads, the sound growing louder every second he sat there.

“It’s beautiful out here,” she said finally. “Benni’s been in bed for hours, but I couldn’t sleep, so I came out here. I’m finally starting to see what all the fuss is about.” A small smile curled her rosebud lips. Under the yellow glow of the porch light, Kee’s features were softened, her eyes dark, liquid pools. Skin as smooth as coffee-colored silk. Her neck long and elegant. She tucked her bare feet beneath her as she sat, and she looked like some exotic goddess from some faraway land. A goddess that he wanted to run his hands all over, feel her curves beneath his palms. His breath hitched in his throat, and he crossed his legs, hoping to hide his physical reaction to her beauty.

Kee drew in a deep breath and leaned forward. “I’m sorry, I accused you of not caring. That wasn’t fair,” she said. Then held up a hand to stop him from speaking as he opened his mouth. “I know you’re fond of Benni, and I know you wouldn’t let anything bad happen to her. I was out of line.”

“You were just being a worried mother,” he replied lightly. “How’s that old saying go? Never get between a lioness and her cubs.” She gave him a warm smile, and he continued. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting to protect your child. And nothing wrong with being a lioness, either,” he added, catching her eye.

“I’m no lion,” she scoffed lightly. “But you’re right, I was only thinking about Benni, nothing else. I should have trusted you more.”

Wazza thought about that for a moment. It wasn’t just him she should learn to trust. “I know you’re scared. Scared to let Benni out of your sight. But don’t underestimate her, she might even teach you a thing or two. Like I said, she’s a smart kid. I think if there was ever any danger, she’d let you know.”

“You think so?” Kee stood, and went to the far end of the porch, her bare toes hanging over the edge. “I’m just so confused. And scared,” she added. “Constantly looking over my shoulder, watching for Bruno. And then, sometimes I wonder if I’m doing the right thing. Taking her away. Sometimes I think I’m teaching her bad behavior, running away from my fears. Maybe I’m a bad mother. Perhaps I should stand and fight. Let them take this to court and battle it out, let justice prevail. I know I’m in the right and they’re in the wrong. But what if they win? I couldn’t bear to lose her.”

He understood her confusion because he’d been wondering the exact same thing. Wondering if she should just find herself a good lawyer and let the truth come out.

Wazza left his hat on the small table and went to stand beside Kee. So close, he could feel small tremors running through her. She was humming with built-up anxiety. Instinctively, he draped a protective arm around her shoulders. She leaned into him, pressing her shoulder beneath his armpit. She was so petite.

“You’re a good mother. The best mother,” he said, putting emphasis on the word best. Because she was. She was doing everything in her power to keep Benni safe. And Benni was a sweet, well-mannered, intelligent little girl. Proving what a good job Kee was doing.

“Thank you,” she said, snuggling in even closer under his arm. He knew it was dangerous to touch her. Last time they’d stood this close, it’d ended in a kiss. But that wasn’t what this was about. He was offering her comfort, nothing more.

If only he could stop the leap in his pulse whenever she was around. And how excruciatingly conscious he was of the curves of her body where she was pressed into his side. In a surprise move, she snaked an arm around his waist, and a surge of heat shot straight to his cock. His body seemed to come alive, crackling with electricity.

He glanced down, gaze lingering on the swell of her breasts. He had a sudden urge to see her hair loose and tangled around her shoulders again, and wanted to pull it out of its long braid.

“Look,” Kee said, suddenly pointing skyward. “A shooting star. Did you see it?”

“No,” he sighed. He hadn’t seen it because he was too busy watching Kee. “Did you make a wish?”

She turned to face him, as if considering her answer, her arms sliding around to nestle in the small of his back, almost unconsciously. Her lips parted, and she closed her eyes for a second, a dreamy look crossing her face. He was fascinated by the curve of her mouth. It was sexy as hell.

“You know exactly what I wished for,” she whispered, opening her eyes.

But the truth was, Wazza had no idea, because she suddenly touched his lips with her fingertips, her eyes never leaving his face. It was the slightest of touches, but his cock was achingly hard in an instant.

“I know I shouldn’t,” she whispered. Then she stood on tiptoe. “But I can’t ever remember wanting to kiss someone this much before.” She pulled his mouth down onto hers. Her lips were a salve to the flames burning through his body. Urgently, his mouth claimed hers, and she made a small noise at the back of her throat. That noise stoked the flames until they were a bonfire threatening to sear his veins. His body was primed to seek pleasure; to give her pleasure in equal parts. He pulled her closer until it felt like they were a single entity, pulsing with passion.

One hand dropped to cup her ass, pulling her reflexively higher against him. Her hips bucked, thrusting her thigh against his erection. She clutched at his shirt, almost like she wanted to push him away, but then her fingers jerked convulsively, and she tore at his buttons, trying to release them. One popped open, then another. And then her hand was inside his shirt, running over his pecs, tangling in the curls of his chest hair.

He pulled the elastic from her braid and ran his fingers through the curls, releasing the heavy, dark strands to fall down her back. Thick and luxurious, just as he’d imagined. This kiss was not like the first one. It was more. Much more. Her urgency and need burned close to the surface, as did his. As if a beast inside him had been watching and waiting all day for this exact thing, and had now exploded out of his chest, wanting to consume her whole.

He picked her up off her feet, not letting his lips leave hers, and backed toward the chair, letting himself down until he was sitting, with Kee straddling his thighs. Leaning over him, hands on his chest, her hair fell like a screen around them. Her low moan as his fingers found the bare skin of her lower back whispered into the surrounding trees.

He located the hem of her T-shirt and tugged it up. “I need to see you.” He meant it to be a whisper, but his voice was loud in the night. That was a mistake. Kee sat up straighter, and he could see a swirl of emotions pass over her face. Shit. He knew what was coming next. For a second, she dropped her forehead to his, then wordlessly, she dismounted and stood beside him, rearranging her T-shirt, which was rucked up over her bra. Wazza’s head spun at this sudden change of gears, and it took his body long seconds to catch up.

“Kee.” His voice was a husky rasp, and he had to clear his throat. “Kee?”
