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“I think I’m falling in love with you,” he murmured.

“That’s just the sex talking,” she sighed and turned her lips up to touch his. “And it was damn good sex, I have to say.”

She was blowing him off, didn’t think he was serious. And perhaps that’s where he should leave it. But he couldn’t help himself.

“It’s not just the sex.” He leaned in and kissed her forehead. He’d given her his all, worshipped her body with his, now it was time to bare his soul. “And I’m not asking for anything in return.” He drew back and heard the catch in her breath as she finally focussed on what he was saying. “But I’m really glad I met you, Kee. And I meant what I said.”

She sobered, her dark eyes fixed on his face. “I’m really glad I met you, too, Warwick.” His gut squeezed at her admission. It was a start. “For Benni, as well as for me. We both care for you, a lot.” Her eyes were dark pools in the starlight, but he could tell she was giving him the truth. Of course, she had to guard her heart. She had a daughter to consider.

It was enough for now. He didn’t need any more from her.

Rolling off her, he relieved himself of the condom. He’d dispose of it properly in the morning.

“If you don’t mind me asking, exactly how many of those do you have handy?” she asked, turning onto her side to watch him.

He waggled his eyebrows at her. “Wouldn’t you like to know, my little vixen?”

She giggled and threw herself at him, arms around his neck, unabashedly wrapping her legs around his, leaving him wishing he had a whole box handy.

There were three condoms in total, and they used them all that night together under nature’s canopy. Kee got up and checked on Benni twice, reporting back to Wazza that she was sleeping sideways across the mattresses with Dolly kicked to the side of the tent, forgotten. Afterwards, he wrapped them both in his tarp to keep the bugs away, and they slept in each other’s arms until the first rays of light touched the world.

Wazza was the first to open his eyes. The morning air was cool, a whisper of a breeze flowing up the river and over their improvised love nest. The sky was indigo, but he knew the sun wasn’t far below the horizon. Lying there, with Kee in his arms, he felt completely at peace. Propping his head on his hand, he stared at the skyline, watching the last star dissolve into the fledgling blue as dawn approached.

Kee stirred in his arms and opened her eyes to stare into his face. He liked that he was the first thing she saw that morning. With a light flutter of her lips over his in greeting, she turned onto her back, using his arm as a pillow so she could look up at the growing daybreak.

Pink clouds were arranged like a row of seashells against the rising blue. Wazza had seen many sunrises in his life, but this one was particularly breathtaking.

“Dawn skies have always been my favorite,” Kee whispered.

Today, he couldn’t agree with her more.
