Page 5 of The Wrong Pick

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I hear the familiar, heavy falls of Neal’s footsteps. His boots become visible under the stall as he pauses in front of it. I rush forward and pull the door open.

Before I can blink, his hands are on me, hungrily gripping my ass and then my breasts and then my ass again. His mouth is on mine as he pushes me deeper into the stall and shuts the door. We should lock it, and I fully meant to before, but I can’t think with his hands on me like this.

Neal grips my ass and lifts me up against the wall. He presses his hips against the hot, throbbing V between my legs. I moan softly, wrapping my legs around his waist and grinding myself against the rough bulge of his jeans. His mouth insistently moves against my throat and collarbone leaving a trail of fire against my skin. I gasp loudly, my hands urgently fumbling with the bottom of his shirt. I just want to feel the hard planes and ridges of muscle and sinew against my fingertips, but he has other plans.

He snatches my dress above my hips and bunches it up against my shoulders. My breasts bounce out, and the sudden exposure to the cold air tightens my nipples. The sensation doesn’t last because the warmth of Neal’s mouth spreads through me as he stretches his lips over my entire areola and more.

As he holds my breast in his mouth, his tongue teases and darts over my taut nipple, quickening my breath and forcing me to work my pussy against the brick hard bulge in his jeans. His moan of appreciation echoes through the bathroom.

When he finally comes up for air, I’m practically keening in anticipation, trembling against the wall where he holds me. He roughly works his jeans and boxer briefs down. The hard length of him springs out, warm and promising against the heat of my throbbing pussy.

“You’re so fucking wet,” he growls in my ear. I can feel him shaking against me. He lifts me slightly and slides into me easily. I cry out, throwing my head back and staring blankly at the ceiling.

“Hello?” someone calls, concern heavy in her voice. “Are you okay? Do you need help?”

My eyes are wide and locked with Neal’s as we both freeze. Neal’s smile slowly spreads across his face as his eyes slyly narrow. “Answer her,” he commands, his voice barely a whisper. As soon as I open my mouth to reassure the worried woman that I’m fine, he starts moving inside of me. Shocks of pleasure shoot through my thighs down to my toes and up my hips into my stomach.

“Answer her,” he mouths.

“I-I’m fine!” I call, my voice literally shaking. “I just have a little–ah! I–I…” I pause, breathing heavily against the orgasm I feel quickly building.

“I’ll grab someone.” The woman calls, sounding so much more worried.

“No!” I shout, and then I gasp.

For a millisecond, I forget about the woman completely, my eyes rolling back in my head in ecstasy as Neal pounds into me. He stops moving when he notices that I lost focus.

“Answer her,” he says, his words a very quiet order in my ear.

“I’ll be right back! Maybe they have a doctor!”

“I’m fine! Really! I just have the runs. I’m sorry; It’s gross. I just need a few mi–minutes!” I grit out, stumbling over my words when Neal starts stroking me again, harder and faster spreading my ass open to mute the sound of his pelvis smacking against my ass cheeks. I’m so close. God, I’m right there!

In the back of my mind, I hear the sounds of the good samaritan continuing with her mission to relieve herself. I curse that woman for remaining in the bathroom when I’m about to shatter in an orgasm. I can’t be quiet. Neal’s eyes lock with mine, and he presses his palm tightly against my mouth.

“Shut up!” he mouths, and fucks me harder.

I lean my forehead against his, shuddering as I move closer and closer to orgasm. I hold my breath, stifling as much sound as I can. A toilet flushes, and footsteps pad out without stopping, right past the sinks. I’m disgusted and grateful at the same time, gasping as quietly as I can.

“Oh, please please, baby. Please,” I beg, feeling that intense pressure building, calling to me.

“That’s my good girl,” he growls.

He digs his fingers into my hips where he holds me up against the wall and changes his stroke completely. He knows how close I am. I want to scream in outrage, but I know he’ll only punish me for it. He moves slowly in and out of me. I look down and stare in fascination.

His dick, hard and thick, is slick and shiny with moisture as it disappears and comes into view slowly back and forth over and over again. My stomach, locked in a semi crunch and visible just above the incredibly stimulating sight of his wet dick moving in and out of me, trembles and contracts with my quickened unstable breaths and edged orgasm.

Someone else walks into the bathroom. Actually, it sounds more like two people. Neal stares into my eyes, a tense smirk on his face. He bites his lip, closing his eyes with a low groan as he moves as deeply into me as he can fit while pressing his chest and stomach flush against mine.

His voice is strained and almost silent in my ear as he whispers, “Don’t make a sound.”

The two women chat with each other across stalls as they relieve themselves completely oblivious to what’s happening in the handicap stall. I whimper. I know I’ll fail. I know when I cum, I’ll scream loud enough to alert the entire airport. Neal presses one hand back against my mouth, and holding my eyes with his, his warning as clear as day there, wraps his other hand around my throat.

“Spread your ass for me,” he whispers. “Good girl. Don’t make a sound.”
