Page 18 of The Taming Game

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“Ah!” I cry out, scalding coffee searing into my skin. A sling of hair-curling curses freeze on my lips when I see who’s responsible. Those unforgettable hazel eyes are widened and apologetic, but her mouth, her plump, pink mouth, is pressed together in a tight line.

“What a beautiful surprise,” I say, a smile creeping across my lips. Lily looks flustered as she steps back a good five paces from me.

“Sorry,” she mutters. I snort. The attitude never changes. My entire chest and the top of my stomach is stinging, but the light summer breeze is cooling the coffee dripping from my shirt. I was a fool to order a hot coffee in this heat anyway. Instead of going inside to grab napkins as I should, I step forward, grab her wrist, and pull her closer to me.

“Stop! You’re soaking wet!” she cries, struggling to get away from me. A bright red blush floods her face, and I catch the smile she’s trying to hide.

“What are you wearing for me tonight?” I ask, slipping my arm around her waist and pressing her soft, pliant body to mine. Mm, I can’t wait. Her eyes lock with mine.

“Tonight?” she echos.

“Mmhmm,” I mutter, not bothering to fight the urge to trace the soft line of her jaw with my finger. A glaze slips over her eyes as she leans her face into my hand just slightly, unconsciously. I can blow up the world with the explosion of desire that courses through me, settling heavily in the constrained bulge in my jeans.

“I–I–you’re serious? About tonight? Your text–” She closes her mouth, her eyes dropping down to my lips and then back up.

“Of course,” I reply, damn near shaking from the effort it takes not to taste those lips. Her chest lifts and falls as her breath quickens; every expansion presses her breasts into me.

“I can’t go out with you tonight,” she says, dragging her eyes from mine. Her body stiffens in my arms, and I let her pull away from me. The loss of her warmth sends chills over my skin as the now icy wetness of the coffee enhances in the breeze. I watch her avoid my eyes, her cheeks and neck flushed and darkening more and more, for a few seconds. I can see her struggle in her face.

“Walk with me,” I say, suddenly.


“Walk with me,” I repeat. “I was going to stroll through this little area you guys call downtown. It’d be nice to have some company, your company.”

“No. I’m busy.”

“No, you’re not. Besides, you owe me for spilling my coffee and leaving me in this sticky, uncomfortable shirt. Unless you want to head to my car instead and help me take it off.”

I was going to smile to let her know I was joking, but the way she bites her lip sends heat through my entire body. I can’t force a smile even if I wanted to. Her hand is within mine before I know what I’m doing as I try not to think about the fact that she still hasn’t responded to my suggestion to head back to the car. I pull her along until she falls into step beside me.

Though, the sun beats down on my shoulders and the wet heat sticks to every part of me, all I think about is the fact that she’s not pulling away from me. Her shoulder bumps my arm as we walk, settled in a comfortable silence. She seems content with her own thoughts, and I’m trying not to lead her back to my car. My thumb traces the path from her thumb knuckle to her index finger knuckle back and forth until I feel her grip tighten in mine.

“I’m sorry,” she mutters suddenly. An eyebrow raises slightly as I look down to consider the frown of her brow and the pout of her lips.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll grab another coffee later.” I lift my face to the sunlight, it’s heat crawling down my neck and simmering the wet coffee patch sticking to my chest.

“No, that’s not–I meant for last week. I’m sorry for the way I acted.”

I freeze, unintentionally pulling her to a stop as well. A couple passes us without looking back, and their movement snaps me out of my shock.

“Did you do what I said?” I ask, feeling my blood course fire through my veins. My pants are getting tighter. Lily’s dazzling eyes, strangely green in the sunlight, settle on mine.

“What do you mean?”

“You thought about how our date went like I told you to,” I say, my voice slipping into a low thrum as I try to control the lick of desire moving into every part of me.

Her lips part slightly as she stares at my mouth. I pull her to me again, hugging her small waist into my hips. Her long, nearly black hair tickles my nose and assails my senses with the scent of coconut and something else, strawberries? It’s silk against my face. Her arms enclose around my shoulders, and she pulls back to meet my eyes again.

“I shouldn’t have– I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve the way I acted.”

I press my forehead against hers leaning down just slightly to match her height.

“It pleases me when you do what I say.” My lips barely graze hers, her eyes drift closed. My body is humming with need, but I’m able to keep it under control.

“Tonight, I’ll show you just how much.” I tilt her chin up so that she’ll open her eyes. Her pupils dilate, darkening the green to brown. “7:30. Be ready.”

“Yes,” she whispers.

“Good girl.”
