Page 12 of A Glimpse of Music

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“Oh.” Calle took the arrow and jabbed the sharp tip into the post as if lost in thought. “But she doesn’t want me at the wedding.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Do you want her at yours?”

“Of course, I do. Knowing I have her blessing would mean a lot.”

“She’s not you. She needs…time.” Time to heal. Time to adjust. Time to live without Liam’s cruelty. Time before Calle found out about Maisy.

When Calle climbed onto the fence and sat, Joel cautiously joined him, leaning forward with his forearms on his knees and his fingers clasped together. His mouth opened and closed several times as he debated whether to get everything out in the open regarding their friendship.

And that meant everything.

“Remember when we were much younger?” he started slowly, staring at the bronze tattoos etched on his knuckles instead of watching for Calle’s reaction. “We were about sixteen, and I went on and on about this girl.”

Calle snorted beside him. “How could I possibly forget? The girl with the hair like sunshine, the eyes like clear skies, and lips like a summer rose. You were such a poet back then. You stopped talking about her so suddenly. It was jarring.”

He released a long breath and rubbed his thumb over his calloused fingertips. “That’s because my best friend started courting her.”

Calle sucked in a sharp breath. “Nyana was that girl?” He groaned and hid his face in his hands. “I am such an awful friend. I didn’t realize. I am so sorry for…for everything.”

“It’s fine.” But it wasn’t fine. It had hurt fiercely—a betrayal that had almost ended their friendship. “I didn’t hate you for too long.” Despite himself, despite the situation, he chuckled. “It’s hard to hate someone who made the woman you love happy. And Nyana was really happy with you.”

“Why the blazes did you introduce me to her?” he shouted, frustration in his voice as he shoved Joel’s shoulder.

He shoved back, nearly knocking his friend off the post entirely. “Because I wanted you to meet the girl I fancied!”

Once again, Calle groaned but louder. “I hate myself right now. If I had just left things alone, everything would be different.”

Joel ran a finger along his knuckles as he thought of Nyana. “Too different, perhaps. Liam would probably still be king. You never would have met Skaja. It’s in the past, Calle. All we can do is move forward.”

He thought of himself at age sixteen. Tall. Gangly. Awkward. He had been exceptional at making girls laugh…and turning them into friends rather than love interests. They all wanted to be friends with him. But each had their sights set on Calle. Growing up had been a mix between enjoying spending time with his best friend while simultaneously envying him.

But now Nyana was going to marry him. It wasn’t the marriage he wanted, but it didn’t matter what he wanted. He would give the world to Nyana, and right now, she needed him.

A part of him couldn’t help but wonder if she could one day see him as more than a friend. He had filled out quite a bit since his awkward teenage years. His voice was deeper. His body more muscular. He’d grown even taller as well. Yet, a self-conscious part of him feared it wouldn’t be enough. Perhaps he was doomed to only be a friend in her eyes for the rest of their marriage.

And he needed to be all right with it.

When the silence stretched on for too long, Joel ran a finger over the bronze tattoos on his left forearm to match the ones on his knuckles. In Heulwen, the Sun Fae covered their scars with tattoos. Only Elders could bestow a tattoo as well as choose the accompanying color. Gold was the highest honor, followed by bronze, then silver. Black was considered disgraceful. He’d gotten the scar on his arm from protecting his family in their escape from Heulwen, now etched over in bronze.

Not everyone had made it out alive.

“I’m happy for you, Joel,” Calle finally said.

He cast his friend a dubious look. “Are you really? You had planned to marry her.”

Calle glared at him before smacking him on the back of the head. “Of course, I am, idiot. Things are confusing right now, but it doesn’t mean I don’t want to see you both happy. You deserve it. But do me a favor?”

Joel raised an eyebrow.

“I would really like to spend time with my nieces. Maybe you can convince Nyana I’m not so bad.”

The pained look in Calle’s eyes shook him, and he forced himself to look away. If he wanted to see his nieces this badly, he had no doubt he’d never give up on trying to see his daughter.

He rubbed a thumb over his knuckles again. “I’ll try. Like you said, things are just confusing right now.”

His friend nodded solemnly. “It’s chilly outside. Come in for something warm to eat?”

“I can’t.” He slid off the fence post and landed on his feet. “I’m stopping by Nyana’s on my way to the inn. I only came to break the news.”
