Page 57 of A Glimpse of Music

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“Just give up already,” Liam’s voice sneered in her head. “You will never succeed.”

She stood abruptly, blinking back confusion when she found herself in the tree house rather than in the palace. Liam was gone. He’d been gone, dead, for months now. Then why did he still linger in her mind? Why did he continue to torment her, even from the grave?

Across the room, Joel met her eye and gave her an encouraging smile, followed by the concerned pinch of his mouth as if sensing her distress.

“I think I would like to take a break,” she said, turning back to her father. Sadness filled his eyes. Did he know the reason why her magic evaded her? Even if he did, he said nothing of it.

“Another time.” The sadness disappeared in favor of a grin. “We still have the rest of the week.”

She hated the reminder. After so many years, she’d just gotten her family back. The idea of saying goodbye again broke her heart.

Chapter 15

Music lifted into the air, growing louder with each step Nyana took. Laughter joined the unique style of notes, followed by a foreign dance with more leg movement than twirling. The women didn’t wear dresses, but similar pants and shirts as the men wore. Beautiful blue crystals cast sparkling rainbows across a fresh layer of snow. They draped from each neck, and some even wore smaller crystals in their ears. The moonlight flickered in and out of the high boughs of the trees, adding to the incredible, mysterious atmosphere.

Despite the gorgeous scenery, Nyana’s stomach twisted and churned with nervousness. The flute lay within a padded box, concealed in the picnic basket she’d brought, which also contained a crystal, wine, and mini tartlets. She wanted her time with Joel to be special. But it had been so long since she’d had a genuine relationship.

The idea of rejection terrified her.

The idea of laying her heart bare also terrified her.

Eva tightened her grip on her hand, stepping closer to her leg, searching for comfort in an unfamiliar setting.

Aside from a few curious glances, everyone ignored them, too inebriated to care about their presence, just as Bastien had guessed.

Joel clapped his hands, a large smile on his face. “Which one of you lovely ladies would like to dance with me first?”

Maisy’s expression lit up as she raised her hand and jumped up and down. Auburn hair bounced around her shoulders. “Me! Me! Me!”

Nyana smiled when Maisy took Joel’s hand and tugged him toward the middle of the dance floor, just beneath a garland of glowing crystals. Pure joy radiated from her daughter’s eyes as she spun with Joel in a circle, laughing without a care in the world.

Her eyes misted, watching stepfather and daughter dance to the merry tune. At that moment, she vowed to give her daughters the life she’d never had. Filled with love from two people who cared about them immensely. They would never be abandoned, forgotten, or pushed aside. Never alone and never helpless.

And as she watched them dance beneath the sparkling blue crystals, she smiled softly as a sudden realization struck her.

She loved that man.

Not just as a friend. Not just as a guardian or provider. But genuine, romantic love. The warmth burning in her chest confirmed her feelings.

The previous nervousness churning in her gut returned. Although she wasn’t sure she felt ready to tell him those three words, she wanted to take the next step with him. Would he want to as well?

Laughter pulled her from her thoughts, dragging her attention to Bastien and the young lady he danced with. Ashryn. They circled each other, legs and feet moving quickly in a frenzied dance. She laughed as he spun her back and forth in dizzyingly fast movements. Their friendship appeared fun and easy, and they both seemed happy.

When the song ended, she jumped when someone tapped her shoulder. Her head snapped to the side, only for a blush to climb into her cheeks when she faced Joel’s adorable half-smile.

“Dance with me?” he asked, holding his hand out to her.

She set her basket down, but when she tried to release Eva’s hand, she clung tighter. As if noticing the little girl’s reluctance, Joel picked her up and again offered his hand to her.

“I admit I haven’t danced in a long time. I don’t remember the last occasion.”

“Then this will hopefully be the first occasion of many.”

Her face warmed when she slipped her fingers into his, and he led her onto the dance floor. With Eva still in his arms, the three of them swayed gently with music meant for fast movement. The pain in her leg had all but disappeared. Her body felt strong. Capable. Resilient.

Worry gnawed on her consciousness as she searched for Maisy, only for a sense of relief to take its place. Her oldest daughter tugged on her father’s hand, insisting he dance with her despite his wheelchair. He obliged and wheeled her in circles while she sat laughing in his lap.

Satisfied both her daughters were safe, she turned back to Joel, only to find him gazing down at her. Beneath the light of the crystals, the green in his eyes softened. Her heart caught in her throat. Tonight, his hair framed his face without its usual half-tie. He’d trimmed his facial hair, giving him a ruggedly handsome appearance. He held himself tall, with confidence, yet a sliver of uncertainty lingered in his expression.
